Real Food for Menopause – 1

Real food for menopause - 1

Real Food and Menopause -1

The biggest complaint I get from my children is that there is no food in the house!

The cupboards, fridge and freezer are bulging, but there is no food, so they say.

It is so infuriating.

What there is, however, is lots of ingredients.

I love food, cooking and baking.

This is also how I show my love for others. I really enjoy hosting family and friends so that I can cook up a feast and nourish them.

For the past two years, I have been sharing an ingredient every week through my social channels.

What its benefits are and how you can use it in your meals.

Real Food Ingredients

Throughout 2023 I am going to put a collection together every month and share it via my blog posts to hopefully reach and support more women with their health through real food.

Here is chapter 1. Scroll to the bottom to download the recipes for the ingredients featured this month.


Real food for menopause, sauerkraut

Don’t forget to include sauerkraut in your menopause diet! It has so many health benefits 🥗 

95% of digestion and absorption happens in the gut.

In order for our body to be able to absorb the nutrients it needs, especially during a massive life change like menopause our gut needs to be working optimally.

Healthy gut bacteria are essential for a good mood and strong immunity.

Fermented foods can help alleviate bloating and improve digestion.

Red Lentils

Real food for menopause, red lentils

Lentils are a great way to promote hormone balance in menopausal women!

Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, they’re an ideal addition to your diet.

Lentils contain on average 25% protein therefore they make a great meat alternative or give an opportunity to add additional protein to your diet (download my free protein cheat sheet to work out how much protein you need per day for your body)

Also rich in polyphenols which provide anti-oxidants, neuroprotection and reduce inflammation, they support blood sugar levels and hormone balance.


Real food for menopause, barley

Did you know that Barley is a powerful health booster for menopausal women?

It’s rich in dietary fibre and vitamins, which can help to manage symptoms like weight gain.

Fibre is one of the key nutrients required for hormone balance and burning fat during menopause.

Most forms of barley use the whole husk and may need soaking or sprouting before use to remove the anti-nutrients.  Pearl Barley however has been polished to remove the outer husk and some of the bran.


Real food for menopause, quinoa

As a menopausal woman, your diet matters more than ever!

For women going through menopause, adding quinoa to their diet can provide numerous health benefits. 

This ancient grain is not only gluten-free but also a complete protein that can help balance hormones and improve overall health.

Pronounced Keen-wa, it is also a great source of magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus making it a powerful antioxidant, mopping up all those free radicals responsible for cell degradation.

Add improving heart health to the list and I think we need to seriously consider adding this ingredient to our weekly meal plan.

Real Food Recipes

For recipes featuring this season’s ingredients follow this link.

Why not book a complimentary menopause assessment with me and start your journey to optimal health and create an empowered menopause.