5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause. Food for menopause. Nutrition Naturally Forever.

5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause.

5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause

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Thank you for downloading my ebook, I hope it starts you on the path to an empowered menopause journey.

Just like puberty, menopause is a pivotal time in a woman’s life.

Unfortunately, menopause is also a time that is shrouded in mystery, Chinese whispers of what to expect along with being portrayed as a health crisis that women have to suffer from.

The Power of Menopause

In the past menopause was celebrated.

Once, when a woman reached menopause she was Wise.

With every monthly bleed, she had learned lessons about herself and the world around her and now that her bleeding years were finished she could truly stand in her power.

As the world has progressed with industry and technology we have lost that connection to the body and the natural cycles of life.

Modern society values youth and firm thin bodies and as women age we are desperately trying to cling to what was rather than focusing on nourishing our bodies and long-term health.

Menopause is a privilege.

There are too many women who don’t live long enough to experience it.

The Menopause Journey

The average age of menopause (12 months without a natural period) is 51.

The average life expectancy of a woman is 81.

This could give us 30+ years post-menopause.

How do you want to spend those 30 years?

Full of vitality and zest for life, running around after your grandchildren or travelling the world?

I am sure your dreams and desires don’t include suffering pain misery, anxiety and lack of energy!!

Menopause Revolution

I am on a mission to support women to embrace menopause and to make them the experts of their bodies.

To do this you need to understand what changes are happening in your body from pre-menopause to post-menopause.

With this knowledge and understanding, you will be able to interpret what the body is trying to tell you with the symptoms you are experiencing.

Armed with this knowledge you can incorporate many different strategies into your lifestyles to achieve optimal health and well-being.

There is no magic pill – sorry!

However, the solution is simple…

Menopause Nutrition

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.


Knowing how to nourish your body, mind and soul through food can immediately positively affect your menopause health.

Maybe you need to seek HRT too, everybody and every menopause journey is unique but understanding YOUR body and its needs will support you to not only make the right choices but also understand if those choices are making a positive impact on your life.

Through the work I have done with women on their menopause journey I have narrowed down the top 5 areas of nutrition to focus on to achieve relief from:

  • Emotional symptoms such as anxiety, rage and tears
  • Physical symptoms such as joint pain, hot flushes, sleep issues and weight gain
  • Cognitive symptoms such as forgetfulness, poor concentration and brain fog

Symptoms aside, long-term conditions such as obesity and pre-diabetes are becoming all too common. By reconnecting with your body and understanding how hormones are in charge not calories you can take action now to prevent or reverse these conditions before they become more serious.

Download your free eBook today and start feeling the benefits of truly embracing menopause and reclaiming your zest for life!

5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause

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Thank you for downloading my ebook, I hope it starts you on the path to an empowered menopause journey.