Reclaim Your Identity with The New Moon In Virgo

New Moon image, Virgo symbol, navigating menopause with the moon cycle, reclaim your identity. Reclaim Your Identity with The New Moon In Virgo

Reclaim Your Identity with The New Moon In Virgo.

It’s been a full trip around the sun since I started my Navigating the New Moon Series.

As we prepare to welcome the next moon cycle, September’s new moon, we are back to the meticulous and grounding zodiac sign of Virgo, offering a unique opportunity for reflection and renewal. 

Every 365 days shape us in some way, therefore each new moon can provide further cosmic guidance to help you create the personal life and professional life of your dreams.

This lunar phase is not just a celestial event, but a powerful reminder to reconnect with your true self, especially for women navigating the transformative experience of menopause. 

Virgo’s energy encourages you to strip away what no longer serves, to organise your inner and outer worlds, and to reclaim the essence of who you are. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore how aligning with Virgo’s New Moon energy can help you rediscover your identity and embrace the changes that come with menopause, turning this life phase into a time of empowerment and self-discovery.

If this sounds a little ‘Woo Woo’ for you, bear with me!  

The beauty of following the moon cycle is that you can embrace a more spiritual side of yourself OR you can just use it as a tool that will not only help you be productive and achieve your goals but also allow you time for rest and reflection so you can check you are on course regularly while also avoiding burnout.

Menopause and the Loss of Identity

Menopause is a major life transition, not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically. 

Many women find themselves grappling with a sense of identity loss during this time. 

As hormonal changes take hold, you may feel disconnected from the person you once were, your roles, your ambitions, and even your sense of self may feel uncertain. 

This feeling of disorientation can be unsettling, as you might find yourself questioning your purpose, appearance, and place in the world robbing you of your inner peace.

Addressing these feelings is a crucial first step during menopause because ignoring them can lead to prolonged periods of discomfort, anxiety, and depression. 

By acknowledging the changes you’re experiencing, you can begin to explore new aspects of your identity, redefine your purpose, and embrace this phase of life with renewed confidence and clarity.

This is where the emotional and spiritual aspects of menopause come into play. 

It’s not just about managing symptoms, it’s about rediscovering and nurturing your authentic self.

My purpose is clear: to empower women to embrace menopause as a transformative journey rather than an ending. 

By fostering authenticity, truth, hope, and positivity, I guide women to reconnect with their inner instincts and interpret their body’s signals to navigate this phase with confidence and grace. 

I advocate for a holistic approach that includes understanding and avoiding toxic chemicals in food, skincare, and household products while promoting practices that honour natural rhythms and traditional wisdom. 

This holistic approach focuses on nourishing rather than punishing the body and creating hormone harmony.

From this strong foundation, you can explore the bigger picture of your life and reclaim your identity or pursue new directions and a fresh start.

The New Moon in Virgo: A Time for Self-Reflection

The New Moon in Virgo is a powerful period in astrology, associated with new beginnings, new opportunities, self-analysis, and meticulous organisation. 

This comes at a perfect time as the seasons change.  

September can feel like a new beginning as children return to a new school year and we pack away the carefree feelings of summer to make way for the new routine of Autumn.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury the planet of communication, and is known for its analytical mind, attention to detail, and a strong desire for self-improvement. 

This moon sign invites you to look inward and reflect on your life, offering a clean slate to start afresh.

In the context of lunar cycles, the New Moon is often referred to as the “winter” phase, a time of stillness and introspection. 

Just as winter is a time for nature to rest and regenerate, the New Moon encourages you to turn inward, assess your life, and plant the seeds for future growth. 

It’s a time to consider what areas of your life need nurturing, what habits need to be released, and what intentions you wish to set for the upcoming cycle.

Use these questions to help you reflect on your lifestyle

  • What aspects of my life currently bring me the most joy?
  • Are there areas in my life where I feel out of balance or unfulfilled?
  • What habits or routines do I need to let go of to create more space for growth?
  • How do I currently nurture my emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being?
  • What steps can I take to better organise my life and reduce stress?
  • Am I aligning my daily actions with my long-term goals and values?
  • How can I simplify my life to focus on what truly matters to me?
  • What limiting beliefs or fears are holding me back from embracing new beginnings?
  • How can I better listen to and trust my intuition during this phase of my life?
  • What does the concept of self-care mean to me, and how can I incorporate it more fully into my routine?

As you ponder these self-reflection questions under the Virgo New Moon, it can be helpful to have a tangible tool to guide you through this process. 

The Life Balance Wheel is a free download I offer that can help you visually map out different areas of your life, allowing you to see where you’re thriving and where you might need more attention.

How It Works:

  • Visualise Your Balance: The Life Balance Wheel provides a clear visual representation of how balanced your life currently feels across various domains, such as health, relationships, career, and personal growth.
  • Identify Gaps: As you fill out the wheel, you may notice areas where you feel unfulfilled or imbalanced, aligning perfectly with the self-reflection questions above.
  • Set Intentions: Use the insights from the wheel to set clear intentions for the New Moon in Virgo, focusing on the areas that need nurturing or adjustment.

Download Your Free Life Balance Wheel to start your self-reflection journey and gain a deeper understanding of where you are now and where you want to go. This tool, combined with the energy of the Virgo New Moon, can be a powerful way to realign your life with your true desires and values.

New Moon image, Virgo constellation, New moon in virgo.

Taking Inventory of Your Life

The collective energy of the new moon is winter, a time to go inwards. 

You may feel low in energy or more tired than usual.  This is why this stage of the moon cycle is a perfect time for rest, self-reflection and reassessing your life.

The energy of Virgo season is the perfect opportunity to take inventory of where you are and where you want to be. 

Instead of merely reflecting on the past, use this energy to evaluate what truly brings you joy, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose.

This is not just about identifying what’s missing but also about recognising what’s working well. 

What are the activities, relationships, and routines that genuinely light you up? 

What values do you hold dear that may have been sidelined as life became busier?

This is where my free Empowered Menopause Workshop can be a powerful ally. 

In this workshop, you’ll be guided through a simple yet profound process to help you determine your ‘Big Rocks’, those non-negotiable aspects of life that are most important to you. 

Together, we’ll explore your health and well-being values, helping you uncover or redefine your purpose.

One of the key outcomes of the workshop is creating your unique Menopause Vision Statement.  This statement serves as a personalised blueprint, allowing you to design a menopause health and well-being plan that is not only in alignment with your deepest values but also inspires and motivates you to turn your vision into reality.

By participating in this workshop, you’ll gain clarity on how to live in harmony with your values and create a lifestyle that supports your journey through menopause and creates a fresh start.

This self-examination can help you make intentional choices that align with your authentic self and set the stage for a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

Reconnecting with Your Passions

As you reflect on your life during this New Moon, consider revisiting past hobbies or interests that once brought you joy. 

What did you love doing as a child? What activities made you lose track of time because you were so engrossed in them? 

These passions are often key indicators of what truly nourishes your soul.

Now, here’s the magic.

Reconnecting with these activities can reignite a sense of purpose and joy in your life. 

Whether it’s painting, dancing, writing, or any other creative pursuit, these passions can provide a much-needed outlet for self-expression and help you reconnect with your inner self. 

Perhaps you have a natural ability that you never thoroughly pursued due to responsibilities.  

Is it time to find a better work-life balance?

As we mature, we tend to leave behind the things that made us feel most alive. 

View the New Moon in Virgo is an invitation to rekindle that flame, to reconnect with your inner child who knew precisely what lit up her world.

The Importance of Self-Care During Menopause

Self-care is vital during the menopausal transition. 

Reconnecting with your passions and interests is a powerful form of self-care that nurtures your emotional and spiritual well-being, which is just as important as your physical health. 

However, one of the biggest hurdles many women face is finding the time to engage in the activities that truly bring them joy.

The Virgo New Moon, with its emphasis on organisation, habit, and routine, offers a unique opportunity to structure your life in a way that supports self-care. 

While these words might not immediately evoke a sense of freedom, implementing them into your lifestyle can create more freedom than you might expect. 

By establishing routines and habits that align with your goals, you can unburden yourself from much of the mental load women often carry.

This newfound freedom allows you to prioritise physical self-care as well. 

Nourish your body with real, whole food, ensure you’re getting quality sleep, and incorporate restorative movement into your daily routine. 

Additionally, consider exploring cyclical treatments during the dark moon, such as a regular practice of self-massage, deep relaxation techniques, or spa treatments that you can plan for. 

These practices not only support your overall health but also help you to align with the natural rhythms of your body and the moon, creating a holistic approach to well-being during menopause.

Implementing the Moon Phases

My approach to menopause support goes beyond addressing physical symptoms, it encompasses emotional well-being and personal growth as well. 

Through my holistic program, I offer personalised support that helps you navigate the complexities of menopause with confidence and clarity. 

You can get started by setting an intention to follow the moon as she cycles through her phases from Tuesday 3rd September’s new moon in Virgo.

Allow yourself to dream, to rediscover, and to reconnect. 

What will your intention be for the Virgo Moon Cycle?

What are three things you can commit to over the next 29.5 days (until the next new moon in Libra) that will move you closer to achieving your ambitious goals?

As the moon begins to grow more visible in the sky the collective energy transforms into that of Spring, this is the planning phase of the cycle, what actions will you need to take to make your intentions a reality?

After the first quarter moon, we begin the transition into the collective summer energy and approach the full moon.  

This is your time to take action.  

Look back at your intentions and your plans, are they still in alignment with your bigger goals? 

If not, release anything that isn’t supporting you with the full moon.

Following the full moon phase, the moon begins to wane and grow less visible in the sky, we travel through the collective Autumn energy which is a time for completing tasks, organising and making space in your life ready for the returning winter energy, making time to reflect on the past few weeks assessing what went well and what could be better.


As the New Moon in Virgo encourages introspection and new beginnings, this is the perfect time to embrace the opportunity for self-reflection and rediscovery during menopause. 

By taking inventory of your life, reconnecting with your passions, and prioritising self-care, you can create space to navigate menopause with intention and focus on creating a life of optimal health and well-being.

If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.

Navigating The New Moon Series