Hygge Your Life!

Hygge your life, coffee mug

Hygge your life!

What is Hygge?

There is no literal translation for the word Hygge, pronounced hoo-gah.

It is more of a concept, a feeling. It’s about creating an atmosphere.

The definition of Hygge is cosiness and surrounding yourself with people and things that make life good;

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Laughter
  • Happiness
  • Security

As well as the more tangible such as light, warmth, seasonal food and drinks.

Benefits of Hygge

Researchers continually find Denmark to have some of the happiest people on Earth.

Maybe we can learn a thing or two from them to keep us going through Winter.

Practicing Hygge promotes a sense of calm and peacefulness.

Creating a space that makes us feel secure can reduce feelings of anxiety and therefore promote emotional well-being and safety.

Hygge meaning

Emotional benefits of Hygge

  • Less depression and anxiety
  • Increased feelings of self-worth
  • More optimism
  • Lowered stress levels
  • Improved self-compassion

In today’s fast-paced world, we can live in a state of heightened stress without realising it.

Stress has a massive effect on our hormones which can impact our weight, monthly cycles, and sleep.

By affecting these areas of our physical being we can suffer a lowered immune system which opens us up to all sorts of dis-ease.

Physical benefits of Hygge

  • Balanced hormones
  • Improved sleep
  • Regulated weight
  • Reduced need for unhealthy self-comforting behaviours such as overeating, and drug and alcohol dependency.

Wintertime can be a time of social isolation.

By using Hygge we can focus on building relationships with our loved ones in a safe and cosy environment.

Making meaningful connections has a positive effect on our health and well-being. It can;

  • Increase intimacy and trust
  • Provide togetherness
  • Give feelings of comfort and safety
  • Reduce reliance on social media
Cosy higgle with warm drinks and a book.

How to Hygge

In the Winter it is all about combating the cold and dark.

Use warm foods and drinks.

Think nutritious soups and stews, hot chocolate, or a hot toddy.

Surround yourself with fairy lights or candles and soft warm blankets and cushions.

Try cosying up with a good book or snuggling down with a loved one to binge-watch a good TV series or feel-good film.

Hygge at work

You don’t just have to Hygge at home.

Set up your workday to support hygge by;

  • Having a plant or seasonal flower on your desk
  • Stay hydrated with warming herbal teas
  • Use a special mug
  • Keep a warm blanket or cardigan on your chair to wrap up in
  • Bring a nutritious and satisfying lunch in to look forward to
  • Make break or lunch ‘dates’ to catch up with your favourite colleagues
  • Have a scented candle or your favourite smelling hand cream on your desk to lift your spirits

Hygge through the seasons

Using Hygge in your life doesn’t have to be all about Winter.

We only have a few weeks now until the shortest day of the year and although January and February can feel like they stretch out forever, Spring will return.

  • Spring Hygge can be garden parties with spring flowers or dodging rain showers in a cosy cafe.
  • Summer Hygge is chilled-out BBQs with your favourite people and music, bonfires on the beach or picnics in the park.
  • Autumn Hygge is finding your favourite cosy jumper and boots and going for a walk kicking the fallen leaves. Using the harvest to make apple pie and making chutneys or preserves to give you the taste of summer in the depths of winter.

Embracing the seasons and celebrating the little things can help keep away or at least alleviate the sadness or ‘blues’ that can settle in, especially after the activity of Christmas.

Living in a cyclical way, monthly with your cycle or the cycle of the moon and annually with the seasons helps us to reflect, rest and recover so we can enjoy the summer of our seasons full of energy and vitality.

What next?

If you are looking to live your life in a more aligned way such as using seasonal foods to improve menopause health and creating hormone harmony, book a complimentary 30-minute menopause assessment.

In the meantime, download your free copy of my ebook 5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause.

A well-nourished body can thrive through menopause!