How to use Bio-hacking to improve your Health & Wellness

How to use Biohacking to improve your Health & Wellness.

How to use Biohacking to Improve your Health & Wellness

What is Bio-hacking?

If you haven’t heard the term Bio-hacking, you have probably encountered it in some form without realising it.

It has been described as Do It Yourself (DIY) Biology and can cover a huge range of activities from highly technical tests, treatments and specialist equipment to very basic lifestyle upgrades.

It is about improving how your body functions and repairs itself. Increasing energy levels, fitness and brain function and delaying the signs of ageing.

Have you ever stopped drinking coffee around lunchtime as you find caffeine affects the quality of your sleep?

If so, you have been bio-hacking.

When did Bio-hacking start?

The term ‘biohacking’, as well as the concept of do-it-yourself biology, has been known as early as 1988.

The leaps and bounds in general technology made it possible for people to buy ‘labs’ on eBay, this was termed ‘garage biology’.

In 2008 the DIYbio Organisation was founded by Jason Bobe and Mackenzie Cowell.

In 2016, the first conference to focus specifically on biohacking was announced to take place in September in Oakland, CA.

More recently ‘bio-hacking’ has become the latest health and wellbeing buss word.

Woman with arm out to the sun.How to use Biohacking to improve your Health & Wellness
How do you want to feel every day?

Why should you start bio-hacking?

Do you want to feel your best?

Make your body as healthy as it can be?

Would you like to perform at your best both physically and mentally every day?

How about slowing the signs of ageing – no brainer eh?

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share my knowledge and research of natural ways we can ‘hack’ our bodies and brains to improve symptoms of:

  • Hormone imbalance (menopause)
  • Ageing
  • Energy levels
  • Mental health

What is the difference between bio-hacking and a healthy lifestyle?

The difference is the underlying mindset.

Following a basic healthy lifestyle is better than being a couch potato who thinks a crisp is one of their 5-a-day but most of us get to an age where we expect to feel less healthy or active for instance, “I am over 40 (or 50 or 60 etc) that’s why I am feeling this way”.

A bio-hacking mindset is not accepting this outcome. It’s looking for changes you can make to improve your current lifestyle for your individual needs.

We are still unique and one hack that works for someone, such as Keto diets, may not work for you.

We need to approach bio-hacking with an open mind, plenty of research and track how we respond adjusting accordingly.

Bio-hacking is not a quick-fix

As with anything that gives us long term benefits, bio-hacking is not about a quick fix.

There are many expensive ‘hacks’ out there. If you watch TV shows such as Silicon Valley you will familiar with terms such as ‘young blood transfusions’ where people pay for a younger persons blood to be pumped through their veins or even high powered executives burning the candle at both ends then hooking themselves up to IV’s to overcome hangers.

What we are trying to do is introduce sustainable habits into our life that will increase our health and wellbeing on a cellular level.

Summer fruit recipe club.How to use Biohacking to improve your Health & Wellness
Join the Summer Fruit Recipe Club

Want some fun this summer?

On another subject, how would you like to have some fun with food this summer?

I have put together a Summer Fruit Recipe Club starting on 23rd July which will run for 6 weeks.

There will be 5 recipes presented in a beautifully illustrated collection emailed to you each week.

We can discuss these recipes through a dedicated Facebook page and have a weekly Q&A to discuss the recipes, what worked, what didn’t and generally support each other.

This will be perfect for the whole family but will work just as well if you are wanting to connect with like-minded people.

For a small investment of £30 which works out at just £5 per week this could be a low risk way to find out what it is like to work with me.

To find out more and sign up, follow this link:

I look forward to seeing you there!

What next?

Follow this link for FREE downloadable resources, don’t forget to share with a friend if you think they would benefit.

You can arrange a virtual cuppa and chat with me if you would like to discuss your health goals and how I can support you.