Free Menopause Resources
I love sharing my downloadable free resources to help women on their journey through menopause to create a happy life full of energy.
My mission is to help as many women as possible gain understanding and clarity about what is going on in their bodies then provide the knowledge and tools to support them to balance hormones and fire up their metabolism so they can achieve their health and well-being goals without restrictive dieting.
I want to support you in finding joy and satisfaction in food and life!
To learn how to NOURISH not PUNISH your body so you can overcome debilitating menopause symptoms and work towards achieving your health and well-being goals while accepting where you are now without self-judgement or guilt.
With this knowledge, you can then make a plan to create a life you are excited to wake up and live.
A life you can design and participate in, not watch by default from the sidelines.
Please download any of the following free resources, tell your friends and send them here.
Downloadable Free Resources
- 8 Breakfast Recipes for Burning Menopause Belly Fat – Fat-Burning Breakfast Ideas – Whether you eat breakfast at 7 or 11 get your body off to a fat-burning start with these recipes.
- Moon Cycle Tracker – Use this tracker to follow the moon through its 29.5-day cycle, track your cycle, how you feel, menopause symptoms etc over 2-3 cycles and see if a pattern emerges.
- Protein Cheat Sheet – How Much Protein Do You Need? – Protein is an essential nutrient when it comes to hormone balance, growth and repair and making sure your metabolism is burning effectively. How much is enough though and which foods provide how much protein? Download this resource to answer these questions.
- Fibre Cheat Sheet – Fibre is the most important carbohydrate you can eat in menopause. Learn how much you need and where to get it with this free cheat sheet.
- Life Balance Wheel – Use this resource to identify areas of your life that need action-taking to create the balanced life of your dreams!
- Hormone Balancing Snacks for Menopause – At any time after 40, we can start our journey through menopause. This is a time of natural transition but a lack of knowledge can make this a scary time. My first port of call to manage symptoms is always nutrition.
- A Year of Celebration – Life is too short not to celebrate the little things. I teach cyclical living in my programs, learning how to work with seasonal energy. This download provides ideas from many cultural backgrounds. Create new traditions to celebrate the year with your loved ones.
Spotlight Ingredient Seasonal Recipe Collection
Download this month’s spotlight ingredient recipe collection.
Each week I share nutrition facts in my Facebook Group (Natural Menopause Solutions) about a seasonal ingredient and how it can support your optimal menopause health. Use the recipe collection for inspiration in adding these ingredients to your meal plan.
Every month there is a new recipe collection released with one recipe for each ingredient.
Book a Wild Woman Well-Being Call
If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.