Light and Easy to Make Plant-Based Summer Recipes

Light and Easy to Make Plant-Based Summer Recipes

Light and Easy to Make Plant-Based Summer Recipes.

As the days get longer and the temperatures rise (hopefully!), our bodies naturally crave lighter, fresher meals.

Summer is the perfect time to explore plant-based eating, especially if you’re navigating the changes that come with menopause. 

During this transitional phase, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for managing symptoms and supporting overall well-being. 

Plant-based whole foods, rich in fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants, play a significant role in promoting gut health, which is closely linked to hormonal balance and overall vitality.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a collection of light and easy-to-make plant-based recipes that are perfect for summer and beneficial for those experiencing menopause. 

These recipes are ideal for meal prep for a quick dinner or leftover light lunch and not only keep you cool and nourished but also support a healthy gut. 

A well-functioning digestive system can help alleviate common menopausal symptoms such as bloating and weight gain, making these recipes a great addition to your summer menu.

So, grab your apron and get ready to savour the best of what summer produce has to offer while nurturing your body from the inside out.

Carrot & Mixed Bean Salad with Tahini Dressing

What I love about these plant-based summer recipes I am about to share with you is that they make a perfect main course but can also be combined with a source of animal protein if you wish.

I am not a vegan but I love this time of year when fresh produce is abundant and it feels easier to increase the amount I eat, however, I also live with men, true carnivores who see vegetables as a mere garnish.

Creating fresh salads that keep well in the fridge for a few days helps me to eat the way I want especially on busy days as well as giving the boys what they want too.

This is a really simple recipe which is perfect to use for a light dinner or a summer picnic;

  • 120 grams Tahini
  • 27 grams of Maple Syrup
  • 44 millilitres of Apple Cider Vinegar (to taste)
  • 59 millilitres Water
  • 354 grams Mixed Beans (cooked)
  • 2 stalks of Celery (sliced)
  • 4 Tomato (small, chopped)
  • 1 Carrot (large, shredded)
  • 1 Avocado (chopped)
  • 16 grams Chives (chopped, flowers optional)
  1. In a jar, whisk together the tahini, maple syrup, vinegar, and water. Set aside.                            
  2. Arrange the beans, celery, tomato, carrot, and avocado in a large salad bowl. Drizzle with the dressing and top with chives. Toss the salad, season to taste before serving and enjoy!      

If you are going to be storing this you might want to keep the dressing separate and add as you eat or just mix it and let the flavours meld.

Download the recipe with full notes and nutritional details HERE.

Tomato Chickpea Cucumber Salad with Sumac Dressing

I love a chickpea.

Did you know you can use the liquid from a tin or jar of chickpeas, called aquafaba, can be used in vegan recipes to replace eggs?

On hot summer days consuming foods with a high water content such as cucumbers and watermelon helps to keep you hydrated.  

Ripe tomatoes are so fragrant in the summer season. If you grow your own make sure you preserve a glut into a tomato sauce allowing you to recreate summer in the middle of winter.

For this easy recipe you will need;

  • 30 milliliters of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
  • 40 grams of Maple Syrup
  • 6 grams of Ground Sumac
  • 7 millilitres of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2 grams of Sea Salt
  • 1 Cucumber (chopped)
  • 328 grams Chickpeas (cooked)
  • 149 grams Cherry Tomatoes (halved)   

In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, maple syrup, sumac, vinegar and sea salt. Set aside.                            

Divide the cucumber, chickpeas and tomatoes into bowls. Drizzle sumac dressing overtop and enjoy!

Download the recipe with full notes and nutritional details HERE.       

Spiralized Veggie Noodles with Peanut Sauce

This is a great recipe and one of my favourites.

The dressing is delicious.  It is best to keep it separate and add as you need it, you can also add it to many other meals, especially to liven up your meal if you are cooking for a family of plain eaters.

  • 1 Courgette (medium)
  • 1 Carrot (large, peeled)
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper (thinly sliced)
  • 134 grams Purple Cabbage (thinly sliced)
  • 65 grams of natural Peanut Butter
  • 30 millilitres Water
  • 29 millilitres of Lime Juice
  • 15 millilitres Tamari (or soy sauce)
  • 20 grams of Maple Syrup
  • 1 Garlic (clove, minced)
  • 2 grams Ginger (minced)
  • 30 grams of Hemp Seeds
  1. Spiralize the courgette and the carrot and transfer to a large mixing bowl with the red peppers and cabbage. If you do not have a spiralizer, use a box grater or vegetable peeler instead.
  2. In a mixing bowl combine the peanut butter, water, lime juice, tamari, maple syrup, garlic and ginger. Mix well to combine.
  3. To serve, toss the veggies in the creamy peanut sauce and top with hemp seeds. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Download the recipe with full notes and nutritional details HERE.

Don’t Forget Vegan Summer Desserts

Dessert is a perfect way to make sure you are getting a variety of extra nutrients.

I think we are programmed to see pudding as being naughty or bad but as part of a well-balanced meal, desserts can add additional nutrients, create satiety and stop the urge to raid the fridge or cupboards an hour later when your body should be resting and digesting.

Try these easy summery desserts;

Coconut Yogurt Parfait    

  • 225 grams of Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt 
  • (divided)
  • 15 grams Walnuts (roughly chopped, divided)
  • 72 grams Strawberries (chopped, divided)  
  • Place half the coconut yoghurt in a glass jar or bowl.
  1. Top with half the walnuts and half the strawberries. Add the remaining coconut yoghurt, walnuts and strawberries. Serve and enjoy!
  2. You could mix this up by using homemade granola, coconut chips, and different nuts, let your imagination run wild.

Download the recipe with full notes and nutritional details HERE.

Peach Sorbet

A lighter alternative to ice cream, making sorbet is a nice way to cool down on a warm summer day.

  • 462 grams of Frozen Peaches
  • 79 millilitres Water
  • 60 grams of Maple Syrup
  1. Let the peaches thaw for five minutes before placing them into a food processor with the water and maple syrup. Blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and freeze for 30 to 35 minutes or longer for a firmer texture.
  2. Scoop into bowls and enjoy!

Download the recipe with full notes and nutritional details HERE.

Strawberry Basil Agua Fresca     

How about a mocktail?

  • 288 grams of Strawberries (more for garnish)
  • 474 millilitres Water1 Lime (juiced)
  • 20 grams of Maple Syrup
  • 5 grams of fresh Basil Leaves
  • 12 Ice Cubes
  1. Add the strawberries, water, lime juice, maple syrup, and basil to a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Divide the ice cubes into cups. Pour the blended beverage into cups and enjoy!

You could easily make this into a daquari I think, perfect for summer parties.

Download the recipe with full notes and nutritional details HERE.

Other simple ideas to complete your summer feast are fruit kebabs, similar to veggie skewers, load skewers with fresh fruits such as strawberries, grapes, pineapple and melon, embrace your creativity and create a rainbow.  

Or wash a punnet of raspberries and pop a dark chocolate drop inside each before serving.

Final Thoughts & Ideas

If, like me, you are trying to avoid ultra-processed foods and eat whole foods it can be exhausting deciding ‘what’s for dinner’ every evening and navigating the minefield of our food system.

Creating a small repertoire of recipes that you and your family enjoy and repeating these in rotation can relieve some of that pressure.

When you have the motivation and energy try another recipe, if it is a hit, add it to the list.

A good idea is to create a repertoire for each season using simple ingredients, this allows you to shake things up a bit and make use of seasonal produce from a farmers market, your garden or the supermarket.

Fresh herbs are quite simple to grow in a pot at home, they not only add variety but pack a nutritional punch to any summer salad.

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Every menopause journey, set of symptoms and individual lifestyle is unique.  Discover my SHIFT System and understand how to work with your body through menopause and beyond to achieve your well-being goals.

Book a free, no-obligation call with me and come away feeling inspired and motivated to take control of your menopause health whether you choose to work with me or not.

Menopause is only the end of your reproductive years.

Step into the full power of your Wise Woman years with confidence so that you can embrace your post-menopause years with purpose.

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