Why should I meal plan?
This is a question I have been pondering lately as I am about to launch my new course.
There are so many benefits to meal planning that I thought I would share them in a blog post.
My Story
I have probably tried most diets and they have worked, while I have strictly followed them!
However, they don’t always work subsequent times, is that due to complacency on my part?
Thinking I know what to do, what to count, what to combine etc……?
Probably, but at the end of the day, it hasn’t been sustainable. I have stopped paying attention and I have gained any weight I lost back, plus some!!
A couple of years ago I promised myself I would get off the hamster wheel of deprivation and obsessiveness over my diet.
The trouble with diet culture is it can have a negative effect on our overall health and well being.
We start to look at a small glass of orange juice as something we can swap and ‘save’ the value of for a treat later rather than looking at it as a dose of vitamin C which will help us absorb iron from the meal we are eating with it.
Diet = Malnutrition when focused on in this way.
Malnutrition leads to lack of energy, dull and lifeless skin, hair and nails, tiredness, illness and disease!
It hasn’t been easy shifting my mindset from thinking I should be following some sort of diet to eating freely.
Have I dropped 3 stone? No, I actually went the other way for a while as nothing was off-limits to me.
I also got into some poor habits such as a glass of wine (or two) and something savoury at the end of the working day.
I have learned to listen to my body, my hunger and fullness cues and what makes me feel good from the inside out.
No diet meal plan, now what?
After lots of trial and error, I am happier than I have been in a LONG time with my diet.
I have realised though that if I don’t plan meals for myself and my family we don’t eat enough variety, I end up popping out to the supermarket too many times, spending more money than I want to, costing me precious time OR ordering a takeaway.
I generally plan for the week on a Sunday.
I book an online shop and have a running list of items we want or have run out of in the kitchen.
My family are in no way perfect eaters and I can end up cooking a variety of meals or Chicken 3 or 4 ways BUT knowing that this is coming I am prepared therefore elevating stress and everyone gets what they want with the least fuss possible.
Benefits of Meal Planning
If you are not in the habit of meal planning or have tried it sporadically it can seem too hard, stressful or ANOTHER thing on your to do list.

However, a little effort in planning your meals, even for just a few days a week can help you:
- Eat a variety of nutritious food
- Save money by going to the supermarket with a list or not going as often
- Have more TIME as you can stop popping to the supermarket so often and be more prepared in the kitchen
- Reduce the amount of food WASTE
- Prevent decision fatigue – which you can read more about HERE
- Reach your health goals
If you are looking to follow a certain way of eating such as Ketogenic, anti-inflammatory or try a vegan diet, planning your meals and snacks will ensure more success.
Viewing your meals over a week can allow you to ensure you are getting a good balance of nutrients which will ensure:
- Better immune health
- Increased energy
- Give you more time to spend on YOU!
Obstacles to meal planning
What are your main obstacles when it comes to meal planning?
- Time?
- Effort?
- Mindset? (Why is it my job? OR I have to do this every week?)
- Fussy eaters?
- Lack of organisation?
- Confidence?

I have created my course, Surviving to Thriving, Meal Planning for busy Mums (step mums, doggy mums, aunties… you get the drift, busy women!) to help overcome ANY blocks you have when it comes to meal planning.
This course will give you:
- More confidence in the kitchen
- A collection of recipes you will be able to confidently plan from
- Systems and strategies in place for buying, storing and using your food
- An understanding of the positive psychology related to meal planning and many other health benefits
Follow the link above to learn more and sign up.
If you would like to arrange a virtual cuppa and a chat with me to find out if this course is right for you or how I can help you achieve your health goals make a date HERE.
If you don’t already meal plan, please consider it, it really will make life more balanced.
Have a great weekend.
With love, Sue x