Using the moon cycle in menopause.
Humans are cyclical just like Mother Nature.
Harnessing this cyclical power can support you to truly live a healthy balanced and harmonious lifestyle.
Obviously, women have their menstrual cycle but our hormones affect more than just our period, they affect our energy and motivation, nutritional needs, weight fluctuations, state of mind, and even our skin.
Men also have a cycle but it is 24 hours rather than 28 days, their energy rises and sets with the sun.
Our cycle can more easily be connected with the moon cycle of 29.5 days.
In this post, I am going to share how you can use this beautiful cyclical mass in the sky to support your hormonal health, especially if you don’t have a cycle due to contraception or menopause.
What is Menstrual Cycle Awareness?
Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) is about mindfully learning about and monitoring your unique cycle.
With practice, you can learn to notice and understand where you are in your cycle and how you can effectively care for your changing needs.
Understanding our own body gives us the power to recognise our needs and intuitively support our well-being, which is essential during the menopause journey.
What if you don’t have a period?
From the birth of my last child and for a total of 15 years I had a hormone coil and no obvious cycle whatsoever.
I absolutely loved it.
I would advise anyone who asked to get one fitted so they could take away the inconvenience of a monthly period.
Now that I am in the thick of my menopause and learning about MCA and how it can support me to live in a more aligned way with my body and the world I could really kick myself, hindsight is a wonderful thing I guess. You can read more about my journey HERE.
Just over 18 months ago (April 2022) I had my coil removed so I could “just see” where I was in my menopause journey. I had been experiencing what I can only describe as menstrual cramps for the first time in years.
Since then I have had about 5 periods, there is my answer, I am in peri-menopause!
During this time I had been working with a business coach (check out Lauren HERE) who used the cycle of the moon to coach business marketing in a more feminine and aligned way.
I loved learning about the ebb and flow of energy as the moon went through its cycles, I have always loved watching the skies but never knew much about the whole cycle, other than maybe star signs.
This is where my journey with tracking the moon cycle with my own cycle started.
It is a really intuitive way to start the MCA journey, we don’t have to bleed to tune into our body and honour our health and well-being, let me show you how…

New Moon – Inner Winter
The new moon is the first day of your cycle.
Winter is a time to go inward, just as nature does. This part of our cycle is when our hormones are at their lowest.
It is a time to turn inward for rest and reflection. Look back over the past month;
- what went well?
- how did you enjoy taking care of your health?
- what were your goals for the month?
- did you achieve them?
- were there obstacles in the way?
- how can you remove them?
After reviewing where you have been, spend some time thinking about where you are going.
What are your big goals in life? What can you do over the next cycle to take another step towards these?
Set your intentions for the cycle ahead, just 1-3 small goals which are going to get you closer to your big goal.
How can you really nurture yourself now?
- Nourishing food
- Gentle exercise
- A pampering treat
- Netflix or a book on the sofa

First Quarter Moon – Spring
If you are using your actual cycle, spring starts when your bleeding stops.
Your hormone levels are starting to rise, especially estrogen and your energy starting to build along with your self-esteem, and you feel more optimistic.
It’s time to start making plans.
What are you going to need to take action on to achieve your intentions this cycle?
Spring is a great time to learn.
Try a new hobby or start a new habit.

Full Moon – Summer
As we transition from spring to summer our energy continues to build.
It is time to take action.
Get social, meet friends, spend time with family and execute that action list.
You feel confident and sexy, and your skin looks great.
If you are experiencing a ‘normal’ cycle this is when ovulation takes place. During menopause, you can experience ‘anovulation’ and therefore won’t experience a bleed at the beginning of your next cycle.

Last Quarter Moon – Autumn
As the moon appears to shrink in the sky we approach the autumn phase of the cycle.
Just as with our seasons, it is now time to harvest.
Finish up your actions, and complete tasks and projects.
Use the last of your energy to get organised. How can you prepare to rest, relax and recover as you enter winter?
- Get ahead with home chores
- Batch cook, so you have something quick and healthy in the freezer
- Prep ahead for work or don’t schedule too many meetings for next week.
As we head back to the winter phase we enter the Dark Moon. This is a day or so on either side of the new moon.
If you would like to track the moon cycle and your energy ebb and flow download my free moon tracker HERE.
Cycle Syncing For Menopause
Cycle syncing is becoming popular for women wanting to reconnect with the natural rhythm of life and health.
Nourishing your body with food in this way supports optimal hormone harmony and can help mitigate debilitating menopause symptoms.
Join my email list to get started and learn how to nourish your body with your menstrual cycle or the moon cycle if you no longer have a cycle or it is erratic. You can do this by downloading my free eBook, 5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause.
If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.