Real Food for Menopause – 2

Real Food for Menopause - 2

Real Food for Menopause, Chapter two.

Recently, my friend recommended I listen to Steven Bartlett’s podcast, The Diary of a CEO, with Max Lugavere. 

I usually have mundane tasks that can use some entertainment such as driving teenagers or doing housework, so podcasts and audiobooks are my go-to sources. 

After listening to episode 223 of the podcast, at 1.5 speed (1 hour and 49 minutes is long!), one point the guest made resonated deeply with me – the guilt that comes with thinking about food and health. 

I don’t know about you but I always question if what I am choosing to consume will give me cancer!  Especially when I am counting my units of red wine!  Confessions of a nutrition therapist should be my next blog post!!

What Max said was that people who care about their health, not only know about Quinoa but they also know how to pronounce it and understand how certain foods positively influence their health are less likely to suffer ill health from lifestyle choices. 

They understand that certain foods improve their health and well-being and make sure those foods are on the meal plan each week along with the red wine, cake, and chocolate (insert your poison).

With this in mind, here is the February round-up of Spotlight Ingredients and how they can support your menopause journey.


Real food for menopause, hazelnuts

Improving nutrition for menopause has the added benefit of protecting your future, post-menopause, health.

Hazelnuts support you to do this with their amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effect on the body.

Packed with vitamin E, magnesium and manganese they also provide 3 grams of fibre per 28g and 4 grams of protein.

Hazelnuts support the body to manage blood sugar levels and provide healthy fats to reduce blood pressure.


Real food for menopause, melon

Hot flushes are one of the most commonly associated symptoms of menopause, it was certainly after experiencing this symptom myself that I had the ‘aha’ moment!

Also called vasomotor symptoms which cover not only hot flushes but night sweats both of which are experienced primarily in the head, neck, chest and upper back.

Keeping optimally hydrated helps with these symptoms and we can do this through food too, especially through any type of melon!

Melons also provide essential micronutrients such as vitamin C which supports our body to produce collagen for skin health.

Melons also contain fibre to support gut health and the elimination of excess hormones.


Real food for menopause, grapefruit

The biggest cause of death in women is cardiovascular disease (CVD), and the risk of this increases post-menopause.

Recent studies show that grapefruit juice containing the polyphenol Naringin reduced inflammation and arterial stiffness increasing protection against heart disease and stroke.

Grapefruits are also packed with antioxidants, water, and fibre which some studies show can support weight loss by helping the body to maintain consistent blood sugar levels and balance insulin, don’t forget to pair your grapefruit with a protein or healthy fat (such as a few nuts) for maximum benefits.

Crab meat

Real food for menopause, crab meat.

There are certain areas of health we need to focus on for a healthy menopause and to protect our future health post-menopause. 

These are;

  • Heart
  • Bone
  • Immune
  • Brain

The good news is that crab meat ticks all these boxes with its protein and nutrient content.

It is high in phosphorus to protect our bones, is anti-inflammatory, and rich in B2 selenium and copper which support cognitive function.

Crab meat provides cholesterol which is one of the building blocks our body needs for hormone balance, just remember too much of a good thing isn’t a good thing.

Real Food Recipes

This is your last chance to download this WINTER season’s collection of recipes using ingredients to support the menopause journey. Follow THIS LINK and look out for the new SPRING collection coming soon.

Work With Me

Are you ready to take responsibility for your menopause health?

If you’re just looking for a single session to get clear about what you can do for your unique menopause journey book a 90-minute Menopause Solution Session.

Maybe you need a little more support and accountability, if so my 5-session Empowered Menopause package will provide the education, support and accountability you need.

Follow the link to learn more and buy alternatively book a complimentary menopause assessment to get clarity on how to start your menopause nutrition journey.

Join the Menopause Nutrition Hub, my private Facebook group for motivation and inspiration to reclaim your zest for life.