Mastering Menopause: A Guide to New Year Goal Setting with Ease and Wisdom

Mastering Menopause: A Guide to New Year Goal Setting with Ease and Wisdom

Mastering Menopause: A Guide to New Year Goal Setting with Ease and Wisdom.

We are well into January now and most of us are back into the swing of normal life after the festive break.

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?

I love setting goals and making plans but I gave up setting ‘resolutions’ a few years ago when I realised I was setting the same arbitrary resolutions I set every year such as;

  • Get fit
  • Lose weight (usually anything between 1-3 stones)
  • Stop drinking
  • Learn a language
  • Write a book

None of the goals I set were ever SMART goals and most were focused on what society wanted from me, I didn’t ask myself what I wanted!

These days I work with the moon cycles and use the Life Balance Wheel to set my goals in areas of my life that I think need attention.

This focuses my intention and enables me to make plans and take actions that will have a positive effect on my life.

Using the moon cycle has also forced me to take time for rest. No more burnout or having to stop due to illness.

In this post you will find suggestions to support you to set goals that will support you get what YOU want out of life, not what society expects of you.

I hope it will bring ease and wisdom to your menopause journey.

Gentle Beginnings: Setting Realistic New Year Goals for Menopausal Women

As we step into the new year, it’s crucial to approach our goals with a sense of gentleness. 

For menopausal women, the journey is already filled with unique challenges, making it essential to set realistic and achievable goals. 

Small, intentional steps can lead to significant changes without overwhelming yourself.

Remember, although it is a new year we are still in the depths of winter, more about that in a moment.

Perfection is Overrated: Embracing Imperfection in Your Menopausal Wellness Journey

Let go of the pursuit of perfection.  I know, easier said than done!

Menopause brings about many changes, and it’s okay to have off days.

Embrace the imperfections, understanding that they are part of the journey. 

A momentary setback does not define your success, rather, it’s the resilience to continue that truly matters.

Use any setback to ask yourself;

  • What was the obstacle?
  • How can I avoid it next time?

Kindness in Progress: The Power of Self-Compassion Amidst Menopausal Challenges

In the face of menopausal challenges, self-compassion becomes a powerful ally. 

Be kind to yourself, acknowledging the physical and emotional changes without judgment. 

Practice self-love and recognise that each step forward is a victory, no matter how small.

Ask for help.

Whether it’s identifying jobs that can be hired out or speaking to your family about doing their fair share, don’t be a martyr. This post might help you to talk to your family.

Cyclical Living Wisdom: Aligning with Nature’s Rhythms During Menopause

Consider adopting the wisdom of cyclical living. 

Just as the seasons change, so do the phases of our lives. 

Embrace the winter season of menopause, a time for introspection and rest. 

Aligning with the natural rhythms of life can guide you in setting goals that resonate with your current state of being.

April’s Renewal: Shifting Perspectives on New Beginnings in Menopause 

Did you know that New Year used to be celebrated on 1st April?

I think this makes sense.

By the end of March spring has started and the days become longer than night.  The natural world emerges from hibernation and begins to grow. 

According to history, when most people switched to the Gregorian calendar, which acknowledged the 1st of January as a new year in line with Christian beliefs, those who didn’t and continued to celebrate the new year on the 1st of April were labelled fools!

Remember this as you set your goals for 2024, be aware that winter is a time to review;

  • What were your goals last year?
  • Are they the same this year?
  • What got in the way of you achieving your goals?
  • Do you need to set different goals or better goals?

Once you are clear about what you want to achieve, start planning.  

What tools or resources are you going to need?  How are you going to hold yourself accountable, what support do you need?

Slow and steady wins the game.

Start to get curious about changes you can make that align with your lifestyle but are in the same direction as your dreams.

Once we break into February, Spring will be just around the corner, which will feel like the real ‘New Year’.

As you make your way through the coming days and weeks, remember that the path through menopause is unique for each of us. 

Embrace the process, celebrate your victories, and be kind to yourself. 

The journey is as important as the destination, and with grace and self-compassion, you can navigate this chapter with resilience and authenticity.

Book a Wild Well-Being Call

Lean into the cyclical archetype of menopause, the Wild Woman.

Embrace this phase as a time of Hope not Fear.

Take this time to reassess your life, your purpose and how you want to feel in the 30+ years post-menopause;

  • Happy?
  • Vibrant?
  • Energetic?
  • Free?

Book a free 15-minute Wild Well-Being call and come away hopeful and inspired to create an empowered menopause, naturally.