Is There a Solution to Menopause?

Is there a solution to menopause?

Is there a solution to menopause?

In this post, I give my top tips to get you started on your journey to an empowered menopause.

Uncover some of the reasons there is fear and anxiety around menopause and why nutrition for menopause has become so complicated.

Stages of Menopause

Menopause is literally a moment.

The moment you realise you have gone 12 months without a period (without contraception).

Before this, you’re peri-menopausal and after this you are post-menopausal.

The average age of menopause is 51.

The journey can take up to 14 years so it isn’t unreasonable to assume you can start your menopause journey in your late 30s.

Your Unique Menopause

Every woman’s experience of menopause will be unique to her.

There is no magic pill or vaccination that will prevent you from experiencing this inevitable change in your body.

Every woman’s experience is different; there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the process, just like puberty.

Menopause is a rite of passage, may we all become old enough to experience it.

Menopause Mindset

Often, there is a sense of fear and anxiety surrounding menopause.

This can come from seeing a loved one suffer from debilitating symptoms or from the media highlighting the plight that many women are facing.

Menopause can be an empowering stage of life.

The average life expectancy of a woman is 81 years.

This could mean you have 31 years post-menopause, another lifetime! Imagine how wonderful this time would be if you were full of energy and motivation, had freedom from pain, and felt joy.

These emotional shifts coincide with many life events that can further heighten feelings of overwhelm, such as adult children leaving home, an ageing parent who needs more care, questions about one’s purpose, or career changes.

Add in hormone fluctuations and it’s easy to understand why many women can feel stressed and burnt out.

Lost Connection

It seems that as society has advanced we have lost a connection with our bodies and the world around us.

What we eat has been broken down into nutrients which are hailed or vilified depending on the current diet fad.

Nutritionism has us choosing processed food over real whole foods. Did you know that a rice Krispie bar has 7 grams of sugar but an apple has 20 grams, if you are trying to reduce your sugar intake, which do you choose for the best?

Our food is flown from one side of the globe to the other, often being harvested before it is ripe, sprayed with toxic chemicals to increase the yield and grown in nutrient-deficient soil.

Our food is labelled ‘high fibre’ ‘low fat’ ‘low cholesterol’ and ‘high protein’ but what does all this mean for our health?

Supplements are readily available and labelled to attract you to get better sleep, reduce brain fog and have healthy hair, skin and nails.

Not all supplements are created equally. many forms of magnesium, for instance, are not easily absorbed by our body, they are added merely as fillers and can give you diarrhoea, a great way to strip the body of minerals!!

Is There a Solution to Menopause?

The solution to menopause is to embrace your journey. Learn as much as you can about your body, and the symptoms you are experiencing and ask for help.

My advice is to track your;

  • Cycle
  • Symptoms
  • Sleep
  • Mood

Download a free tracker HERE.

Focus on eating whole foods. Plenty of protein and fibre, make sure you are eating enough. Honour your hunger, weight gain is a symptom, focus on nourishing your body not punishing it.

Move your body in a way that makes you happy.

Rest. There are 7 types of rest, not just sleep.

Explore and find your purpose. What makes your soul smile?

The key is to design a lifestyle that supports your health and well-being goals but which is also sustainable.

Your menopause journey will be as unique as you are.

Visualise your dream life, I would love to support you make this dream a reality, you deserve it!

Take Control of your Menopause

Book a complimentary 30-minute menopause assessment and explore how you can start your journey to an empowered menopause.

If you are ready to get to work book a 90-minute Menopause Solution Session and design a plan that will improve your quality of life quickly.

Perhaps you need additional support and accountability? If this is the case my 5 session package, The Empowered Menopause Package will hold your hand as you take manageable steps to design your empowered menopause journey.