Honour Your Menopause Health

Honour Your Menopause Health

Honour Your Menopause Health.

Principle 10, Honour Your Health with Gentle Nutrition, is the last principle of intuitive eating because until we have learned to Honour Our Hunger and Make Peace with Food, Intuitive Eating can become just another way to control and restrict our food.

When you STOP restricting, STOP banning, STOP adding conditions to eating and incorporate the principles of Intuitive Eating into your lifestyle you will be able to hear what your body needs and give it the nutrition it craves to create optimal health and well-being.

The Menopause Marathon

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to create a healthy body and lifestyle.

Intuitive Eating is not an overnight remedy to any health problem you are trying to solve.

The good news however is that it is SIMPLE, not rocket science, not easy but SIMPLE.

You need to be kind to yourself and aim for PROGRESS, not perfection. 

Start with one meal in a day and then one day in a week and so on. 

Consistency will lead to progress and on to SUCCESS.

“Make food choices that honour your health and taste buds while making you feel well. Remember that you do not have to eat perfectly to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It’s what you eat consistently over time that matters – progress, not perfection is what counts.”

Evelyn Tribole/Elyse Resch

The overemphasis on nutrition has bred a nation of guilty eaters, apologising for enjoying a takeaway burger or a sausage roll. 

Many of us worry about food. 

Think of the wasted brain activity!!! 

What could we achieve with our lives if we redirected some of that energy?

Does Intuitive Eating = Anti-Nutrition?

Intuitive Eating isn’t about anti-nutrition or hitting the F*%k-It button and eating what you want when you want, it’s a process of re-education and finding food freedom by learning to;

  • Ditch rigid diet rules
  • Trust yourself around all food
  • Create a positive relationship around food
  • Create sustainable healthy habits
  • Nourish not Punish!

On your menopause or intuitive eating journey, it is important to come from a place of curiosity, not judgement. 

Be gentle, not judgemental – a good value for all areas of life!

Creating an Intuitively Healthy Menopause

Improving your nutrition during menopause doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.

It’s about learning to adapt to your body’s changing needs.

Learning to listen to your body and honour its needs is essential.

Disordered eating to lose a few pounds will likely no longer work.

Protein is your friend.  It builds hormones, neurotransmitters, cells and enzymes for optimal health.  

Are you getting enough protein?  Use this free download to work out if you are and how to get more if you’re not.

Maybe you blame having no cooking skills for a lack of health, try adding some frozen vegetables to a convenience meal or whizz up a smoothie with added protein.

If for ethical or religious reasons or you are dealing with a health condition and have to follow certain food guidelines you can still do this intuitively and listen to how your body responds.

Perhaps you need the support of a meal plan or guide to keep you focused and organised following the principles of intuitive eating will support you on your journey through menopause and to optimal health.

Menopause is a time to nourish the body not punish it.

Menopause Nutrition Therapy

In my practice, I focus on adding the correct nutrition to support the body through menopause to current lifestyle practices rather than restriction and deprivation to achieve a goal. 

Additionally, I encourage my clients to start paying more attention to what their body is telling them and learning how to interpret those messages.

With an improved nutrition plan comes increased motivation and optimism which will further enhance your menopause journey. 

Therefore it’s important that you learn more about menopause and your own individual needs in order to gain confidence in making the right choices for yourself moving forward. 

With the right knowledge and understanding in place, you can craft a lifestyle that works for you now as well as protects your long-term health and well-being.

Take Control of Your Menopause Journey

Book a complimentary 30-minute menopause assessment.  Discuss your current circumstances and come away with a clear plan of action.