Healthy Habits for Life – Dry Body Brushing

Lady dry brushing her leg. Healthy Habits for Life - Dry Body Brushing

Healthy Habits for Life – Dry Body Brushing.

Creating healthy habits for life is all about incorporating them into your lifestyle.

Habits that will stick are the ones we feel the benefit from and are simple to perform.

Have you ever tried Dry Body Brushing?

What is Dry Body Brushing?

Dry body brushing is an invigorating self-care ritual that has been around for centuries.

The ritual of stimulating the skin by dry brushing has been used in several cultures including Indian Ayurvedic holistic health care, Chinese medicine and as far back as the Romans and Ancient Egyptians.

To have survived this long is testimony to its benefits, but here are some more tangible reasons.

Benefits of Dry Body Brushing

Although the body is extremely capable of detoxing itself through the liver and kidneys dry body brushing can assist this process along with other benefits for the whole body.

  • It encourages cellular turnover which helps avoid ingrowing hairs and skin conditions such as Keratosis Pilaris.
  • Helps to tone the skin and tissues below the surface of the skin, this is due to the temporary plumping effect
  • Boost circulation, the redness you will notice is not just a slight irritation but increased circulation of the blood moving to these areas
  • Aids with lymphatic drainage as well as leaving your skin glowing, dry body brushing can encourage lymphatic drainage. All blood carries lymph fluid, which filters through the lymph nodes. Dry brushing speeds up the rate of blood pumping, which helps get the lymph through the body, therefore removing toxins and pathogens more quickly.
  • Our skin is our largest organ consisting of numerous sweat glands, blood vessels and nerve endings. Pores can get clogged with environmental pollution along with the lotions and oils we apply to our skin. As with all methods of exfoliating, dry brushing gets rid of the day’s dirt and oil as well as dead skin cells.
  • The result is increased cell turnover and more radiant, smooth skin. Who doesn’t want that!

Top Tips for Dry Body Brushing

Choose a natural-bristled brush, handheld or long-handled. There are many options from basic to electric. It is all down to personal preference and how much you are willing to spend.

Start at your feet moving upwards towards your heart using circular motions to start then sweeping firm but lightly upwards. From your hands brush towards your armpits and over your stomach use a clockwise circular motion. Over delicate areas such as your décolletage brush very lightly or avoid.

Use a dry brush on dry skin. A perfect time to perform this is before a shower and in the morning to increase energy.

After Care

Lady rubbing moisturiser into her arm. Healthy Habits for Life - Dry Body Brushing

Shower off dead skin cells and moisturise. Rinse off your brush and leave to air dry, once a week you may like to use a gentle soap for a deeper clean.

This is a great ritual to use prior to using fake tan.

Product picture - gradual tanning lotion. Healthy Habits for Life - Dry Body Brushing
Summer Skin, gradual tanning lotion

You can perform dry body brushing daily as long as you aren’t experiencing any adverse effects, you may prefer to do it just 2-3 times a week.

I try to make sure I have a quick body brush before I have a shower to enforce the habit and make it stick!

Spring is well on it’s way, lets make sure we are energised and glowing!!

Have a great week

With love

Sue x


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