Heal Naturally Through Menopause with the Pisces New Moon

Heal Naturally Through Menopause with the Pisces New Moon.

Heal Naturally Through Menopause with the Pisces New Moon.

Pisces, the dreamer of the zodiac, is known for its deep sensitivity, empathic nature, and intuitive wisdom. 

Like the gentle ebb and flow of the ocean’s tide, the Pisces New Moon washes over us with its tranquil energy, offering solace, insight, and renewal as you navigate the ever-changing currents of menopause.

Menopause exposes a vast reservoir of our inner knowing. Learn to trust in the whispers of your soul and understand the importance of intuition and healing in the menopausal journey. 

In a world that often prioritises logic and reason over intuition and emotion, the Pisces New Moon encourages you to honour the wisdom of your inner voice. 

It is through the gentle whispers of intuition that you can find the courage to listen to your body and honour its needs.

In this blog post, explore intuition and healing and the role of nutrition in supporting your well-being during this transformative phase of life. 

Understanding the Pisces Energy

On Sunday 10th March 2024, we welcome the New Moon in Pisces.

Pisces is a water sign, emotional like the ebb and flow of tides but full of magic and depth.  The 12th sign of the zodiac, Pisces closes the zodiac year, another nod to the true ‘new year’ being spring!

The Pisces energy is about facing your fears.  If you are suffering emotionally or spiritually it is the perfect time to access the healing energies of this new moon.

This is also a great cycle to embrace your intuition.  Write down your dreams throughout this cycle, what is your intuition trying to tell you?

In terms of body astrology and nutrition, Pisces rules the lymphatic system, blood and immune system as well as energetic, emotional and spiritual bodies.

The gesture of Pisces nutrition is freedom, avoiding strict diets and the elimination of certain foods (unless due to a severe allergic reaction) and embracing Intuitive Eating, you can read previous blog posts on these principles HERE.

Heal Naturally Through Menopause with Intuition

A well-nourished body can heal naturally through menopause.

For too many years women have used food as a tool to manipulate their weight and shape of their body using food.

While we are young and the body is adaptable this might have worked but the result is a body that no longer trusts that it is going to get the nutrients it needs for optimal health and body composition.

Your body doesn’t know that bikini season is around the corner and thinks a lack of nourishment needs to be compensated by flipping the switch from fat-burning mode to fat storage mode and somewhere along with line the switch gets stuck on fat storage.

When I first qualified as a nutrition therapist in 2019 I knew that calories in v’s calories out was a floored system.  I started by helping women create healthy habits to improve their health and lifestyle, this is when I came across Intuitive Eating.

Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach to changing your eating habits to focus on your unique nutritional needs.

There is a process of 9 principles which takes you from a diet mentality to listening to and trusting your body and its signals through to how to nourish your body for optimal health and body composition.

This approach aligned with my values and love of food.  I completed the training course and now weave these principles through my programs.

Menopause is not a disease you heal from, it is not an illness but menopause symptoms can make it feel this way.

I devised the SHIFT System to support women to nourish their bodies and focus on the root cause of their menopause symptoms allowing their bodies to heal naturally through menopause and beyond.

Heal Naturally Through Menopause with Food 

You can’t scroll far on your social media feed without coming across an advertisement for menopause supplements.

I am not against supplements but I always like to start with real food.

Not only is it cheaper to eat real food than pop a myriad of supplements, real food is more bioavailable meaning your body absorbs micronutrients better through food.

Take vitamin C for example.  This is such an important vitamin that often gets overlooked because it is so common.

Vitamin C is needed for collagen production, not only great to keep you looking fresh-faced but it heals joint aches and pains and keeps your heart where it’s meant to be – read more in this post, 13 Herbs for Heart Health.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress and mops up free radicals that are responsible for cell ageing.  

The RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin C is 75mg per day for a woman, however, you may have noticed that supplement labels brag of 500mg – 2000mg in their product.  The reason these levels are so high is to enable the body a chance to absorb some of the RDA, the rest gets flushed down the toilet.

Ensure your diet is full of variety such as green leafy veg and herbs, citrus fruit, peppers and strawberries to name but a few and you will have your vitamin C covered.

You can learn more about how to heal naturally through menopause In my eBook, 5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Menopause. 

Here are some other areas of nutrition to focus on for menopause support;

  • Phytoestrogen-rich foods such as flaxseeds, chickpeas, cruciferous vegetables, clean soy and dried prunes or apricots to support hormone harmony.
  • Foods high in calcium and vitamin D such as leafy greens, full-fat dairy,  fatty fish and mushrooms to support bone health.
  • Anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, turmeric, fatty fish, nuts and olive oil to reduce inflammation
  • Mood-boosting foods such as poultry, eggs, fish, oats, bananas, milk, nuts and seeds to support emotional well-being.
Heal Naturally Through Menopause with the Pisces New Moon.

Pisces New Moon Intentions

Do you set new moon intentions?

Think about your larger goals for the year.  By breaking these down into smaller steps for each moon cycle you can make steady progress and your big goals will seem less overwhelming.

Here are 5 ideas for Pisces’ New Moon Intentions;

Embrace Intuitive Eating: Set the intention to practice intuitive eating during the Pisces Moon cycle. Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, honour your cravings without judgment, and cultivate a mindful approach to food. Trust in your body’s innate wisdom to guide you towards nourishing choices that support your overall well-being.

Explore Healing Foods: Set the intention to explore healing foods that nourish both your body and soul during the Pisces Moon cycle. Experiment with nutrient-dense ingredients such as leafy greens, colourful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and good sources of protein. Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties to support your body’s natural healing processes.

Practice Self-Compassion: Set the intention to practice self-compassion and kindness towards yourself as you navigate your health and nutrition journey during the Pisces Moon cycle. Release any feelings of guilt or shame around food choices, and instead, cultivate a loving and accepting relationship with yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a dear friend.

Connect with Water: Set the intention to connect with the element of water during the Pisces Moon cycle, both internally and externally. Drink plenty of hydrating fluids such as water, herbal teas, and coconut water to support your body’s hydration needs. Additionally, spend time near bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, or oceans, and engage in water-based activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

Nurture Your Soul: Set the intention to nurture your soul and prioritise self-care practices that replenish your spirit during the Pisces Moon cycle. Create sacred rituals such as meditation, journaling, or gentle yoga to quiet the mind, soothe the soul, and connect with your inner wisdom. Surround yourself with beauty, indulge in creative pursuits, and seek out moments of serenity and peace amidst the busyness of daily life.


Connecting to the moon cycle during menopause supports you to reconnect with your body and the natural world around you enabling you to heal naturally through menopause.

With each new moon theme, you get to explore a different area of your life and incorporate new rituals to enhance your menopause health and well-being.

If you are interested in learning more about how to heal naturally through menopause with the moon cycle I invite you to join my monthly group membership Inner Circle.

We meet virtually with the New Moon to set intentions and with the full moon for support and accountability.  The group meetings are supported by an on-demand learning platform packed with meal plans, recipe collections and resources to support your mind, body and soul with each cycle.  Discover your Body Astrology and how you can use this unique information to support your menopause journey.

Inner Circle Monthly Membership. Nutrition naturally forever. Heal Naturally Through Menopause with the Pisces New Moon