Improve Your Gut Health, Improve your mood

Improve Your Gut Health, Improve your mood
What makes you happy?

Improve Your Gut Health, Improve your mood.

So far we have discussed what our Microbiome is and what it does for us. What causes imbalances and how we can improve this and our overall health.

This week I want to share how our Gut Health is linked to our Mental Health.

Our Gut Microbes ‘talk’ to our nervous system by producing Neurotransmitters. These Neurotransmitters are needed for good mental health.

Neurotransmitters include Serotonin and Dopamine along with Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine and GABA and many others, they play an essential role in:

  • mood,
  • anxiety,
  • concentration,
  • Brain Fog
  • reward
  • motivation

Low levels of these can cause changes in how our brain functions. Imbalances have been linked to depression for quite some time.

Individually they have different functions, for instance, let’s take the two more well known. Serotonin is involved in how you process your emotions whereas Dopamine is linked to symptoms of depression such as low motivation.


Is a chemical found in the brain, blood, intestines and connective tissues of the body and helps transmit information across the nervous system and has a role in brain function, reduced levels are linked to ‘low mood’.

How can we increase our Serotonin Naturally?

  • Salmon
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Spinach
  • Soy Products
  • Nuts

Poor digestion interferes with neurotransmitters like Serotonin which is mainly produced in the small intestine. Good digestion is a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to gut health.


Is produced from the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. It is the main brain chemical messenger responsible for making us feel motivated

How can we increase our Dopamine Naturally?

  • Eat Protein-rich foods to increase amino acids
  • Eat less Saturated Fat
  • Consume Probiotics
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Engage in Mood-Boosting activities
  • Make sure you get enough Daylight daily

It is not my aim to belittle mental health issues and suggest that changing your diet will cure these but as an advocate for Natural Health, I certainly think it is worth an individual investigating what works for them and if this advice will make bad days better, enable an individual to reduce medications (under medical supervision) or help someone feeling ‘low’ feel happier or have a more positive outlook, what a result!

Achieving a more balanced lifestyle through a diet rich in whole foods, good exercise or movement habits, getting enough rest and spending time doing things or being with people who make you happy will improve your overall health, but how can we do this consistently?

This is where we need to implement Good Health Habits to last us a lifetime.

Short term thinking prevents long term lifestyle changes.

What are your long term health goals?

If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.