Grow Your Own Menopause Garden

Grow Your Own Menopause Garden

Grow Your Own Menopause Garden.

Menopause can bring many challenges, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Some of these can include irritability, mood changes, anxiety even depression.

Finding natural ways to combat these challenges can bring immense relief.

Our Western diet has changed over the years and now provides far less nutrient-dense food than it used to. 

We lead busy lives and the way we eat has evolved out of convenience, increasing the volume of processed and pre-packaged food which contributes to inflammation, insulin resistance and increased menopause symptoms.

With intention, we can rectify this.

Gardening is something I have always enjoyed and it got me thinking about the benefits of this hobby especially for women approaching mid-life and beyond.

Read on to learn more.

Physical Benefits

Gardening keeps you active.

It provides low-impact movement from planting and weeding to watering all of which improve your strength, flexibility and balance.

Exposure to sunlight allows vitamin D to be made inside your body which contributes to improved mood as well as increasing calcium absorption and therefore improving bone health.

Not only that, growing your own food organically will reduce the number of toxins you are consuming.

Environmental toxins increase chronic inflammation in the body which contributes to hormone imbalance, weight gain and disease as our organs such as the liver and kidneys plus our endocrine system become overwhelmed.

Grow Your Own Menopause Garden

Mental Benefits

If you are struggling with the cognitive symptoms of menopause such as brain fog, lack of focus and impaired memory, gardening can provide a break from life’s responsibilities and help you destress.

Studies show that connecting with nature helps to relieve stress and anxiety.  It can support you in seeing the bigger picture of life along with the natural cycle and seasons of life.

Grow Your Own Menopause Garden

While connecting with the natural world, the seasons, and the weather, check in with yourself.

Each month women experience their own inner seasons.

This is easier to work out if you have a cycle of your own but if you don’t or it is irregular try using the moon cycle to connect with your inner season and honour your body’s current energetic needs.

Learn more in this previous blog post.

Grow Your Own Self-Esteem

During menopause, your self-esteem can take a real bashing.

Tending a garden can provide a sense of accomplishment and help you connect to a bigger purpose in life.

You may find you connect with others over a shared hobby, it could even improve relationships with loved ones who share the same interest.

However you choose to garden you will be rewarded for your efforts whether that is harvesting your own produce, creating a beautiful flower display or wildlife garden or simply a tidy garden for you to sit quietly and relax in.

Grow Your Own Medicine

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food – Hippocrates

With the many miles food can travel before it reaches our supermarkets much of the goodness can be depleted.

Eating local, in-season fresh produce is a great way to increase the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in your diet.

An even better way is to grow your own!

Eating organically grown and freshly harvested ingredients enables you to truly nourish your body and protect it from disease.

Grow Your Own Ideas

For me, nothing beats the satisfaction of popping into the garden to harvest a salad.

Sun-warmed strawberries and tomatoes taste amazing!

I know salads get a bad rap for being boring or bland or called rabbit food and are generally the first thing people mention when you talk about diets. Still, a well-balanced salad can provide everything your body needs including satisfaction!

The perfect summer salad blueprint. Grow Your Own Menopause Garden

If you are a beginner don’t overwhelm yourself, gardening can quickly become another thing on your ever-growing to-do list!

Start small, here are some herbs that can be easily grown along with some of their benefits for supporting your menopause journey;

  • Parsley – high in antioxidants, and phytoestrogen for hormone balance.
  • Basil – helps combat inflammation and depression
  • Sage – astringent qualities known for reducing sweating
  • Fennel – anti-inflammatory and can support anxiety and depression

Alternatively choose a cut-and-come-again salad variety which you can sow in the garden, in a pot or even on your window cill, think of the money you will save buying loose leave bags which end up soggy in the bottom of the fridge – that can’t be just me!!!

Spring is the perfect time to get started.

Work With Me

I am here to help!

Every menopause journey, set of symptoms and individual lifestyle is unique.  Discover my SHIFT System and understand how to work with your body through menopause and beyond to achieve your well-being goals.

Book a free, no-obligation call with me and come away feeling inspired and motivated to take control of your menopause health whether you choose to work with me or not.

Menopause is only the end of your reproductive years.

Step into the full power of your Wise Woman years with confidence so that you can embrace your post-menopause years with purpose.

I can’t wait to chat with you 💚

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