Get Active (move for joy) 

Get Active (move for joy), nutrition naturally forever

Get active, move for joy.

This week’s post explores principle 9 of Intuitive Eating, Movement – Feel The Difference.

Do you have all the gear but no motivation?

This post explores strategies for aligning your lifestyle to increase movement and helping us feel good and nourish our body, mind and spirit rather than using it as a form of punishment

Do you enjoy Exercise?

Yes?  Fantastic!  Keep it up.

If you don’t I would bet (I like a little flutter) that it is because you associate it with dieting and restriction and weight loss.  Rather than feeling joy.

People who exercise for weight loss think only of the number of calories burned or how they are going to ‘earn’ their food and treats.

This makes exercise feel like a chore, another thing on your to-do list and if you have ditched your diet already this year then you might as well ditch the exercise too, what’s the point?

Get Active and Ditch Exercise for Movement

Moving your body is so important.

It helps your fluids move freely around your body eliminating waste as it goes preventing you from sitting in a swamp.

Movement is a way of taking care of yourself. 

As well as making you feel good by releasing feel-good hormones, moving your body will help prevent health issues.

The benefits of exercise are many, especially during menopause and beyond, here are a few;

  • Stress management
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Increased bone strength 
  • Improved heart and lung strength
  • Hormone Balance
  • Helps keep your body and mind young

If this still hasn’t convinced you to get moving then try reframing your mindset.

Link movement to a good feeling. 

How does it make you feel when you move your body or after you have moved your body?

  • Energised
  • Alert
  • More positive
  • Uplifted
  • Less stressed
  • Better quality sleep
  • A sense of achievement – especially if you set a goal and take it slow and steady 

Remove Obstacles to Get Active

Lack of energy?

Eat well-balanced meals and snacks, which means including protein, healthy fat and carbs!

You can’t starve the body and increase exercise and expect to lose weight and feel great.

The body needs a set amount of energy to stay alive, even if you sat still all day.

Eating less than this puts your body into fat storage mode. The body will also break down it’s own cells in order to have enough energy to survive.

This would be great if it only took the excess bits you don’t want but it wants the good stuff, the lean muscle mass that is responsible for your metabolism.

Reduced muscle mass = less energy burned = more energy stored.

Hate the gym?

You don’t need a gym membership to get moving.   

Start by including more movement in our day. 

  • Park your car further away from your destination, even 10 minutes, that alone will give you 20 minutes of activity. 
  • Take the stairs instead of the escalator or lift. 
  • Get up from your desk and stretch or walk around the office (or at home – do a household chore for 5 minutes), 
  • Use a bike for short journeys.
  • Habit stack, do squats while brushing your teeth or do push-ups while waiting for the kettle to boil.

Get Active and Have Fun!

Make the time you move something to look forward to.

  • Choose an activity you love
  • Meet a friend at the gym or for a class
  • Walk with a friend – catch up and move
  • Try walking whilst listening to a podcast or audiobook

Although multitasking isn’t a great way to create flow for getting things done I do think listening to something while moving is a great use of time.

TIP – Get rid of apps and trackers that get you fixated on a number whether it’s steps, calories or distance etc, and focus on enjoyment and how it makes you feel.

Make a Date to Get Active

We all know that if we don’t plan it, generally it doesn’t happen!

Block out some time in your diary. 

It doesn’t have to be a set routine every week, decide when you plan your week what your body feels like doing.

This is a perfect way to structure movement, especially during menopause when it is important to check in with your body. 

Attacking a HiiT class when you are feeling depleted will just stress your body and cause further imbalance, you might prefer to do some restorative yoga or walk in nature.

Ask yourself, how can I squeeze in 10 minutes here and there or make time for an activity I love? Prioritise yourself.

TIP – Include some strength training and stretching in your week. Can you work 10 minutes of yoga into your morning routine or add a set of hand weights while using an exercise bike? Maybe a short kettlebell workout at home?

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