Biohack your way to better sleep

Biohack your way to better sleep

How can we Biohack our way to better sleep?

Why is sleep SO important?

We all know that sleep is important.

We feel groggy or over emotional if we don’t get enough but why?

It is during our different stages of sleep that our brain works hard to repair damage and keep us well.

Our long term brain health, memory and natural detoxification are dependent on us getting enough sleep.

Sleep and hormones

All life has a circadian rhythm.

If we can learn to work with this we can immediately improve our sleep and in turn our overall health.

  • As the day comes to an end our brain starts to release Melatonin which controls our sleep patterns.
  • Human growth hormone (HGH) is the next to be released. This enables our body to repair. It protects our muscle fibres and builds new lean muscle tissue.
  • As the morning approaches our Cortisol levels start to rise. Cortisol gets bad press but we do need a certain amount to spring us into action. Morning is a good time to exercise to use any excess cortisol.
  • A poor nights sleep increases levels of Leptin (our satiety hormone) and Ghrelin (our hunger hormone) which is why when we are tired we crave more food.
Biohack your way to better sleep

Biohack your Melatonin

Melatonin release is disrupted by light.

This includes light from our screens and devices. We spend a great deal of time on our devices and however much we can try to reduce this during the evening there are times when we are going to need to work late or we use our device to wind down whether that is reading or watch TV or Netflix on our laptops.

Here are a few ideas you can implement into your daily routine to help increase your melatonin naturally.

Increase Melatonin Naturally

  • Expose your eyes to natural light as early in the day as possible. This signals to your internal body clock that it’s daytime. Your body will naturally start to get sleepy and wind down by the time early evening arrives
  • As mentioned above, exercise uses and produces cortisol. High-intensity workouts are best performed earlier in the day, increasing your cortisol before bedtime can interrupt sleep.
  • Use apps to remove blue light from devices as it’s this light that interferes with melatonin release. You can also buy blue light removing glasses which you can wear to watch TV.
  • Ensure your bedroom is as dark as possible. Set your alarm and cover it if you can, leave your phone in a cupboard or drawer. I use an eye mask for those early summer mornings, I love being woken naturally and also use a Lumi lamp during darker months but in the Northern Hemisphere I can be woken at 4 am through the summer!!
  • Consider using Time Restricted Eating (TRE). Our body is not supposed to be open to receive food 24/7. Aim to have a maximum 12-hour eating window if you eat breakfast early and take your last bite or sip (apart from water and caffeine-free herbal teas) 3 hours before bed. When we eat our inner temperature rises when affects our sleepiness not to mention all the processes that have to take place to digest this food.
  • Ensure you are eating a variety of micronutrients, especially Potassium (which helps you stay asleep) and Magnesium (which helps you fall asleep)

Health benefits of Sleep

We know that sleep is Important but what exactly does it do for our health and wellness?

  • Improve immune function
  • Help maintain your ideal body weight
  • Lower risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Fight low mood and depression
  • Balance your hormones

It isn’t always possible to get a good nights sleep.

Depending on what season of life you are in you may be looking after family members, young or old, who distrust your sleep. You may be struggling with hormone changes or a stressful life situation.

It can seem like a vicious circle, you need sleep to feel better but can’t get sleep. Not being able to get enough sleep can cause stress. Try to accept where you are currently and look at small changes you can make to improve your situation.

Just do what you can do.

  • Go to bed earlier if possible
  • Take a nap during the day
  • Implement some of the tips above and see how they help

What next?

Follow this link for FREE downloadable resources, don’t forget to share with a friend if you think they would benefit.

You can arrange a virtual cuppa and chat with me if you would like to discuss your health goals and how I can support you.