Anti-ageing skincare biohacks

Skincare care biohack lady. Anti-ageing skincare biohacks

Anti-ageing skincare biohacks

In week 2 of this biohacking series, we look at ways to enhance our skincare routine to achieve age-defying effects. Catch up on week 1 if you missed it, Biohack your way to better sleep.

Although biohacking is the latest health buzzword, people have been doing it for centuries from the early Egyptians to Native American Indians.

Why do we take care of our skin?

  • It makes us feel good?
  • Keeps pores clear?
  • Helps slow the ageing process?

Our skin is our largest organ. It helps keeping everything IN our body and helps keep invaders OUT.

Let’s make it as healthy and as vibrant as it can be for as long as we can.

What is your skin type?

There are actually only 3 main skin types:

  • Dry
  • Oily
  • Combination

These are all temporary conditions or states of being.

Can you change your skin type?

The short answer is yes! The skin you have today is a combination of your lifestyle and environmental choices you have made such as smoking, using SPF, nutrition, quality of sleep etc, you get my point, plus, whatever genes your parents gave you.

Our bodies are constantly renewing and repairing, we just need to learn the ‘hacks’ to help speed this process along.

For our best Health & Wellbeing we are looking to achieve ‘Homeostasis’ aka ‘balance’. In terms of skin we are looking to achieve our normal. Normal is the natural state of healthy skin.

Which skincare product?

Most skincare products sit ON the surface of the skin and disguises what is going on below.

It’s like dieting for weight loss, it’s just treating the symptom and not the cause.

To affect our skin we have two choices:

  • Penetrate the 7 layers of skin
  • Work from the inside out

Obviously a combination attack is going to give you better results.

So, without going under the knife here are my top hacks to improve your skin…

Tropic skincare ABC collection. Anti-ageing skincare biohacks
ABC skincare collection

The foundation of skincare

No, I’m not talking about makeup, I’m talking about cleanliness.

Use a good quality cleanser to remove make-up, dirt and debris.

This might sound simple but not all cleansers are created equally and if you use cleansing wipes… well then you are asking for trouble as these leave a residue on the skin which can clog pores and inflame skin conditions.

I will link to the products I use and recommend. I only use and recommend them because I am passionate about natural skincare, which is gentle on us and the environment.

A good cleansing routine with a few moments spent on massage to increase circulation will prepare the skin to absorb the products you are going to use to improve its flora and fauna.

There is no point in using great products if your skin is not going to be able to absorb them.

Discover your dream skincare routine by following this link.

Hydration for skincare

We all know we need to keep our bodies optimally hydrated for good health.

Using water on our skin can actually de-hydrate it due to the chemicals it comprises in different areas of the world, think limescale in the south of the UK!!

To the rescue is our hero ingredient Hyaluronic Acid.

Hyaluronic Acid is our own body’s hydrating molecule. It can absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water. This ingredient will hydrate your skin and leave it cushiony soft 24/7.

If you are in your 40’s or 50’s this is a particularly important ingredient as this is when we naturally start to produce less hyaluronic acid and collagen which leads to dry skin which loses its elasticity and causes wrinkles.

There are a number of products on the market that feature this ingredient. I use and recommend Rainforest Due by Tropic Skincare.

Tropic skincare rainforest dew. Anti-ageing skincare biohacks
Tropic Rainforest Dew

Ironing out the wrinkles

Collagen is a protein found in our bones, muscles, skin, tendons and ligaments along with many other parts including blood vessels, eyes and teeth.

It is part of our scaffolding which holds everything together and UP!

There are 16 types of collagen within your body which has many different uses however it all starts off as pro collagen which is made by our body with two amino acids, this process uses vitamin C.

As we age existing collagen breaks down and it gets harder for our body to produce its own.

DON’T PANIC! We can support our body in making collagen with:

  • our diet (look out for next weeks post 😉 )
  • protecting against environmental toxicity
  • using deeply hydrating day and night moisturisers along with serums like hyaluronic acid.

Follow THIS LINK for my collagen product recommendations.

Jojoba oil for skincare

Jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) oil is an humectant ingredient which means it works to create a protective layer on your skin to seal in moisture.

There are many benefits to using Jojoba in your skincare routine. It is:

  • Antibacterial
  • An antioxidant – which helps the skin produce collagen
  • Hypoallergenic

Jojoba oil is very similar to our own skin oil, sebum. This means it is less likely to cause issues such as clogged pores which can lead to breakouts and acne.

Using jojoba oil will actually help regulate your own sebum production.

Many people treat breakouts and acne with harsh products which strip the oil from the skin.

Stripping oil from the skin can signal to the brain that more sebum is needed therefore adding to the issue.

Jojoba soothes and moisturises the skin without clogging the pores and helps naturally regulate sebum production leading to ‘normal’ balanced skin.

Aloe Vera for Skincare

I couldn’t write a post about skincare and not mention what I think is the BEST health and wellness ingredient in the WORLD! A bit OTT? I don’t think so 🙂

Aloe vera is a plant with a make-up closest to that of the human body, it is also an humectant.

Drinking inner leaf gel has the most amazing health benefits but did you know that applying it topically, it can penetrate all 7 layers of the skin, therefore, getting to work deep down.

Aloe vera is known as the plant of immortality. It is anti-inflammatory as well as being a natural antibiotic and perfect for ALL skin types and issues.

In my opinion, everyone should have this product in their fridge and bathroom cabinet.

Aloe vera skincare. Anti-ageing skincare biohacks
No.1 Skincare ingredient for me!

Reducing Toxicity for skincare

Reducing refined sugar and refined carbohydrates will improve the appearance of your skin as they can affect the production of collagen and impair cell repair and growth.

Too much UV radiation can also interfere with collagen production, I would always recommend a good quality SPF for your face and décolletage. We do, however, need a certain amount of exposure to the sun’s rays for vitamin D production and that feel-good factor.

Trying to reduce environmental pollution such as smoking and air pollution will help the health of our skin and body.

What next?

Look out for next week’s post, Biohacking Nutrition.

Book a FREE call with me and find out how I can support you with your health and wellness goals

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I look forward to getting to know you better.

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