Adaptogens the secret weapon for Menopause?

Adaptogens the secret weapon for Menopause?

Adaptogens the secret weapon for Menopause?

Over the last few weeks, we have reviewed the Signs & Symptoms of menopause. There are 34 acknowledged signs and symptoms which is why it is so difficult for GP’s to diagnose or alternatively they get misdiagnosed.

The chances are, if you are over 40 and experiencing a combination of any of these symptoms you are in peri-menopause.

REMEMBER – This is not a disease!

We will all go through menopause at some time in our life, the good news is that if we can learn to recognise the changes and adapt areas of our life that can balance our hormones as naturally as possible we can ease our journey through.

Improving our gut health can really improve our overall health and wellness which can prepare our body and support it through menopause.

I have saved the best for last this week as I explore Adaptogens and how they can support us through all seasons of life…

What Are Adaptogens?

The concept of Adaptogens was coined around the time of World War 2 when scientists were looking for a magic pill to help pilots fly for longer periods of time however adaptogens have been used as far back as 3000 BC in Ayurvedic medicine.

Adaptogens are non-toxic herbs, roots and fungi used for therapeutic purposes that work to adapt the bodies ability to resist stressors and restore your bodies natural balance.

When you are stressed your body releases cortisol. Cortisol is often responsible for weight gain, especially around your middle. Your body will release cortisol over progesterone. Low progesterone will lead to symptoms such as:

  • Brain fog
  • Low libido
  • Hot flushes
  • Anxiety/low mood/depression

The three phases of stress are:

  • Alarm
  • Resistance
  • Exhaustion

Excessive or chronic stress keeps us in alarm phase and leads to exhaustion.

Along with the usual stressors in our life such as organising a home, balancing work and family commitments along comes peri-menopause!

Adaptogens the secret weapon for Menopause?

How do Adaptogens work?

Adaptogens work at a molecular level. They balance the hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenal glands.

They prevent stress and fatigue and increase attention and mental capacity.

The effects seen in the body are:

  • Neuroprotective elements
  • Stimulents for the nervous system
  • Anti-fatigue
  • Anti-depressive

You can take adaptogens as herbal supplements in capsule form, powders to add to smoothies or teas and tinctures.

Adaptogens need to meet 4 criteria. They must:

  • Not add stress to the body
  • Have positive effects
  • Not cause side effects
  • Should support the entire body

Are Adaptogens Safe?

Adaptogens have been around for centuries to support health and wellbeing.

These herbs are an excellent choice to manage hormonal related symptoms as the effects are gentle and without side effects.

They are best used for short periods of time and interchanged with others depending on the support you need at a particular time.

This is where tracking your cycle, your moods, cravings and general wellbeing can be beneficial, that way you can balance your needs.

*A note on side effects, adaptogens are plants and can therefore trigger an allergic response, they can also interfere with any current medications. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t or can’t take them but get advice on the best way and do a patch test if this could affect you.

My Top 5 Adaptogen recommendations

The following are my top 5 recommendations.

I have used all of them over time and have had great results.

If you follow me you know I am a massive fan of Aloe Vera and take my shot of drinking gel every day without fail, I swear it is the reason I no longer suffer from seasonal chest infections!

So, I start my list with…

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals which are as close to our human makeup as you can get in nature.

It is high in Phytoestrogens and helps correct hormonal imbalance. Aloe Vera is also very hydrating which supports the body with hot flushes and vaginal dryness.


Ashwagandha is a small evergreen shrub which grows in India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. The root and the berries are used to make the supplements.

Also known as Indian Ginseng it supports the immune and adrenal systems, it can energise and relax you, it also reduces stress and anxiety and can balance brain, heart, mood and sex drive functions.


Also known as Golden Root and Artic Root, Rhodiola combats the negative effects of stress. It has a huge effect on cortisol levels which in turn give it the reputation as the anti-aging adaptogen as Cortisol ages us.


Schisandra is a great tonic, it decreases fatigue and promotes physical performance and endurance.

It is particularly helpful during the transition through menopause as it aids sleep issues, night sweats, irritability, depression, PMS and memory loss.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Not to be confused with our sweet or purple Basil, Tulsi is a herb found in India. Holy Basil is used in Thai cooking where it has received it’s nickname ‘hot basil’.

Tulsi helps combat inflammation, reduces physical and mental stress along with stress related anxiety and depression.

In conclusion

I have given a lot of information today but I hope you find it useful.

Adaptogens help balance and restore the body, they can increase the quality of our life, improve longevity and help manage stress more effectively.

Arrange a virtual cuppa and chat with me to talk about your health and wellness goals and how I can support you to achieve these.

Don’t forget to download this guide – Hormonal Balancing Snacks for Menopause.