Top 5 Rest & Relaxation Tips

Top 5 Rest & Relaxation Tips
Take time to stop and notice what is going on around you.

Top 5 Rest & Relaxation Tips.

If the past few months has taught us anything it’s that it is important for our wellbeing to stop and take some down time.

We spend so much time running around being busy its not until we are forced to stop, through illness (or a Pandemic) that we realise how out of balance our lives have become.

If you have been lucky enough to have had some time to reassess your lifestyle over the past few months you may have made some positive changes. If you haven’t had the time, those working on the front line keeping the country going or having to continue working from home, it may be time to take some time out and plan how you are going to implement more Rest & Relaxation for yourself.

Here are my top 5 tips:

Good Quality Sleep

During sleep our bodies repair themselves and restore chemical balance.

One of the many systems being restored is the endocrine system. This is responsible for our hormone and chemical balance therefore lack of sleep can disrupt this causing:

  • weight gain by disrupting our Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and reducing our metabolism
  • low mood by affecting chemical levels
  • poor concentration
  • anxiety
  • a compromised immune system as this is when we produce our antibodies

Creating a good evening and wind-down routine with consistent sleep and wake times is essential for our Health and Wellbeing.

Plan Downtime

Planned downtime is a period of time during which IT operations are restricted in order to implement upgrades, repairs and other changes. Unlike in more catastrophic types of downtimeplanned downtime occurs when planners have set aside a particular time period to shut down or restrict operations.

I couldn’t have said it better myself! If we plan downtime we can upgrade, repair and make changes to ourselves. Unlike catastrophic types of downtime i.e. illness!

You don’t have to plan anything huge. Maybe set a time you will leave the office or close your laptop. Turn your phone off at a certain time. One particular day of the week or the month you will dedicate to something that brings you joy, that refuels your soul!

Food for R&R

Tryptophan is an essentials amino acid. Long story short it helps create a neurotransmitter, Serotonin, which contributes to healthy sleep patterns and stable moods, you can find this in:

  • Honey, Milk & Bananas – the perfect after workout or bedtime snack!

Dark Chocolate – can regulate cortisol levels (the stress hormone) which can help stabilise your metabolism.

Coconut – a study revealed that people who inhaled the scent of coconut saw a drop in their blood pressure. Try adding flakes to overnight oats, smoothies or have with snacks.

Bananas – are also packed with Potassium and Magnesium both of these minerals are muscle relaxants.

Green Leafy Veg – these contain folate that helps your body release dopamine, a chemical that makes your feel good 🙂

It is interesting to see how with just a little attention to our diet it can affect our lives in such a positive way!


Breathwork is becoming a popular way to learn how to control anxiety and rest effectively.

People perform different breathing exercises and techniques to improve mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Advocates of breath work find it promotes deep relaxation or leaves them feeling energised.

Stop and smell the roses

The quote, “Stop and smell the roses,” is often attributed to golfer Walter Hagen in the 1956 book “The Walter Hagen Story” but he didn’t mention roses. The quote: “You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry. Don’t worry.

Try and make some time in your day for perspective.

You can do this by writing a gratitude journal or just journaling in general, getting all your thoughts down on paper and analysing them. What is really important and what doesn’t need your energy?


If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.