New Moon In Leo Reclaiming Your Radiance in Menopause

New Moon In Leo Reclaiming Your Radiance in Menopause

New Moon In Leo Reclaiming Your Radiance in Menopause.

Time flies when you’re having fun! It’s hard to believe that it was 11 months ago that I started my New Moon blog series.

Today I share the last instalment with the new moon in Leo.

The intention behind these posts is to support you in aligning your lifestyle with the energy of the universe and provide additional astrological insights that I hope will sprinkle some magic on your menopause experience.

The Leo New Moon presents a unique opportunity to embrace the vibrant energy of Leo, a sign known for its creativity, self-expression, and confidence. 

The collective energy encourages you to shine brightly and fully express yourself, making it an ideal time to focus on reclaiming your radiance during menopause. 

By harnessing the powerful energy of the New Moon in Leo, you can reconnect with your inner strength and confidence, allowing you to embrace this transition with grace and enthusiasm. 

Leo’s fiery spirit inspires you to make your creative visions and passions a reality fostering a renewed sense of purpose and joy. 

Discover the actions you can take this cycle to reclaim your radiance.

Cultivating Confidence and Self-Expression

Confidence is a crucial aspect of navigating menopause, as it can profoundly impact your emotional well-being and overall quality of life. 

During menopause, many women face challenges that can affect their self-esteem, such as physical changes, mood swings, and societal perceptions of ageing. 

Cultivating confidence can help you embrace these changes with grace and resilience, empowering you to feel more in control and positive about this transformative phase of life and discover the best version of yourself.

To build confidence during menopause, consider incorporating affirmations and positive self-talk into your daily routine. 

Affirmations are powerful statements that reinforce positive beliefs about yourself.  You may feel silly doing this but your subconscious is listening!

Begin each day by repeating affirmations such as “I am strong and capable,” “I embrace my uniqueness,” or “I am confident in my true self.” 

Positive self-talk involves being mindful of your inner dialogue and replacing negative thoughts with encouraging ones.  Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend.

Whenever self-doubt arises, remind yourself of your accomplishments and strengths.

Menopause can be the time in your life when you decide to explore and express your unique qualities and passions. 

It offers a great opportunity to reconnect with your authentic self and celebrate what makes you uniquely you. 

Embracing your individuality can lead to greater self-awareness and fulfilment, whilst cultivating confidence and providing a renewed sense of purpose.

To express your unique self, consider engaging in activities that allow for creative expression such as;

  • Crafting
  • Knitting/crochet
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • Baking
  • Writing

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and can help you explore your thoughts and emotions in a safe space, read more about the benefits of menopause HERE.

Writing about your experiences and aspirations can provide clarity and insight into your menopause experience and how you can make improvements to different areas of your life to support your health and well-being.

Dance and movement can also be transformative ways to connect with your body and express yourself creatively. 

Whether through structured dance classes or spontaneous movement at home, dancing allows you to embody your emotions and release any pent-up tension. Try some Shakti movements to release your inner Wild Woman.

New Moon In Leo New Beginnings

Menopause is a perfect opportunity to re-evaluate personal goals and desires, making it an ideal time to explore new creative outlets or reignite past interests. 

The Leo New Moon’s vibrant energy encourages you to tap into your creativity and let your imagination soar.

If you enjoy music, consider playing an instrument, singing, or exploring different genres to see what resonates with you. 

Photography and filmmaking can also be excellent ways to capture moments and tell stories that reflect your unique perspective.

Don’t be afraid to try new things and step outside your comfort zone. 

Creativity is not about perfection, it’s about exploration and self-expression. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment and make mistakes, as these experiences can lead to unexpected discoveries and personal growth.

Pursuing Passions

Life is busy, we have so many demands on our time but stress is the biggest barrier to hormone harmony.

Once the ovaries retire because we don’t need to procreate anymore, we no longer need such high levels of sex hormones, but we still need some and the little we do need are produced by the adrenal glands.

If our body is producing adrenaline and cortisol to deal with stress, it will not be producing other hormones for optimal health and well-being, never has it been more important to find true joy in your life.

Pursuing passions not only enriches your life but also provides a sense of purpose and excitement, helping you to maintain a positive outlook.

Reflect on activities or interests that have brought you joy in the past. Whether it’s gardening, cooking, hiking, or volunteering, identify what truly ignites your passion and make time for these pursuits in your daily routine. 

If you’re unsure of what you’re passionate about, consider trying out different activities until you find something that resonates with you.

A friend of mine recently took an evening course in dressmaking.  It was something she did when she was younger however what with having children and the busyness of every day this pastime had fallen by the wayside.  She now has a dedicated area in her home with a sewing machine where she can spend quality time doing what she loves, she has also met new people who she can share this passion with.

This example highlights the limitless possibilities for pursuing passions during menopause and how they can lead to personal growth and fulfilment.

Infusing joy into your daily life during menopause is essential for maintaining emotional well-being and overall happiness. 

Pursuing Joy

The Leo New Moon’s lively energy encourages you to embrace playfulness and delight in the little things, helping you navigate menopause with a positive mindset. 

Joy and playfulness can significantly reduce stress and improve your mood, providing a refreshing perspective on life’s challenges.

To incorporate more joy into your daily routine, start by identifying activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled. 

These can be simple pleasures like reading a favourite book, watching a funny movie, or spending time in nature. Engage in activities that bring laughter. 

Laughter has been shown to boost mood and strengthen social connections, making it a powerful tool for enhancing joy.

Additionally, try to incorporate spontaneous moments of playfulness into your day. Dance around the house to your favourite music, take a leisurely walk in the park, or explore new hobbies that excite you. 

Allow yourself to be present and savour these joyful experiences, creating memories that uplift and inspire you.

Astrological events can provide a way to create new beginnings throughout the calendar year, not just in January. 

Mercury retrograde starts on the 5th of August providing a deeper time of rest and reflection with the new moon in Leo.

The Mercury cycle is similar to the moon cycle with its four phases to rest, plan, take action and organise or complete, it just happens over a longer period which can be supportive for bigger projects.  

The next mercury cycle unfolds from 19th August to 6th December.

The Power of a Positive Mindset

Cultivating a positive mindset is crucial during menopause, as it can greatly influence how you perceive and handle the changes you encounter. 

Embracing a positive outlook helps you focus on possibilities and opportunities rather than limitations, empowering you to approach menopause with confidence and resilience.

One effective technique for maintaining a positive mindset is practising gratitude.  

The opposite of stressful is grateful.

Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether it’s the support of loved ones, personal achievements, or simple moments of joy. 

Gratitude shifts your focus to the positive aspects of life, fostering a sense of contentment and appreciation.

Mindfulness is another powerful practice that can enhance your emotional well-being. 

By staying present and mindful, you can reduce stress and increase your awareness of positive experiences. 

Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine through activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful walking. 

These practices can help you stay grounded and centred, allowing you to navigate menopause with greater ease and clarity.

Practical Tips to Connect with Leo Energy

The Leo New Moon is a powerful time to embrace your inner radiance and connect with the vibrant energy of this fire sign. 

Here are some practical tips to help you align with Leo energy and enhance your menopause journey:

  • Wear Bold Colours: Incorporate bright, bold colours into your wardrobe to reflect the sign of the lion Leo’s vibrant and dynamic energy. Wearing colours like gold, orange, or red can boost your confidence and help you feel more connected to the Leo spirit.
  • Set Intentions for Self-Expression: Take time to set intentions that focus on self-expression and creativity. Consider writing down your goals for personal growth and creative exploration during this New Moon in the Leo phase.
  • Engage in Self-Care Rituals: Prioritise unique self-care practices that help you feel nurtured and rejuvenated whether that is traditional pampering or spending time in solitude.
  • Express Your Creativity: Find creative outlets that resonate with you, such as painting, writing, dancing, or crafting. Engaging in artistic activities allows you to tap into your creative potential and express your unique self.
  • Celebrate Your Achievements: Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. Reflect on your strengths and the progress you’ve made on your menopause journey.
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Cultivate positive relationships that encourage your growth and support your well-being.
  • Practice Affirmations: Use affirmations to boost your confidence and reinforce positive beliefs about yourself. Repeat affirmations like “I am radiant and confident” or “I embrace my creativity and passion” daily.
  • Create a Vision Board: Use the Leo New Moon to create a vision board that reflects your dreams and aspirations. Include images and words that inspire and motivate you to pursue your passions and embrace your inner radiance.

New Moon in Leo Nutrition

The zodiac sign Leo is ruled by the Sun and nutrition focuses on the sun of our body, the heart, this can be physically or emotionally.

Thinking of the body in terms of Ayurvedic or Traditional Chinese Medicine, Leo is the hottest sign of the zodiac. 

If you are struggling with too much heat in your body, focus on raw foods and salads or meals with raw elements.

Satisfaction is the name of the game when it comes to eating and a major part of learning to reject the diet mentality.  Read more about non-diet practices for menopause health HERE.

Your tummy and your eyes should be satisfied.  

You can do this by using real food, butter, cream, and sauces and dressings made with these ingredients.

Increase your antioxidants by sprinkling seeds, and nuts such as slivered almonds, gogi berries or pomegranate, shredded coconut or cacao nibs on your meals.  

All of these will give you variety in texture as well as nutrients.  

Play with edible flowers and sprinkles of lemon zest or herbs to delight your senses further.

Imbalance occurs in Leo when the fire is blocked and unable to circulate.  

These blocks could be physical or emotional.  

To me, August feels like the weekend of the year!

Food should also be about celebration and connection.

Connect with loved ones, family and friends this summer.  Celebrate with your social circle through food, nourishing your body as well as relationships.

Take Control Of Your Menopause Health

Embrace your Wild Spirit and Discover Moon Cycles, Body Astrology and more to help you reconnect with your true self through menopause and beyond.

Join the Wild Well-Being Membership and discover support and accountability from bi-weekly group online sessions supported by a vast on-demand library of resources, recipes, meal plans and a monthly book club 💚

Support this Leo season with the new No Cook Summer Recipe Collection with 30 recipes to inspire your summer nutrition along with the No Fuss Summer Program, Summer Salads Collection, Refreshing desserts and more.

Join for £14.99 pay as you go, no contract and access to all cycles. New members also receive a free Body Astrology reading.

Sprinkle a little magic into your unique menopause experience.

New Moon In Leo Reclaiming Your Radiance in Menopause.
Wild Well-being membership

Every menopause journey, set of symptoms and individual lifestyle is unique. 

Discover my SHIFT System and understand how to work with your body through menopause and beyond to achieve your well-being goals.

Book a free, no-obligation call with me and come away feeling inspired and motivated to take control of your menopause health whether you choose to work with me or not.

Menopause is only the end of your reproductive years.

Step into the full power of your Wise Woman years with confidence so that you can embrace your post-menopause years with purpose.

I can’t wait to chat with you 💚

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