Capricorn New Moon: Structure and Self-Care in Menopause

Navigating menopause with the moon cycle.  Structure and self-care.

Capricorn New Moon: Structure and Self-Care in Menopause.

In the cosmic symphony of lunar energies, we find ourselves beneath the steady gaze of the Capricorn New Moon. 

As the celestial sea goat ascends, it brings forth the virtues of;

  • Discipline
  • Responsibility, and 
  • Ambition

Each new moon provides the opportunity to shine a spotlight on a different area of your life and brings the benefit of creating balance and harmony over a calendar year.

In this Capricorn edition of Navigating the Moon Cycle, we will explore the profound connection between Capricorn’s energy and the pillars of structure and self-care, guiding us through the transformative landscape of menopause.

Capricorn Energy and the Menopausal Journey

Foundational Traits:

Capricorn, with its earthy essence, symbolises the bedrock of discipline, responsibility, and ambition. 

During menopause, these qualities become guiding lights, offering a roadmap to navigate the twists and turns of this transformative phase.

Creating a Structured Approach:

Menopause is a transition that thrives on structure. 

Capricorn’s energy encourages us to build a solid foundation—establishing routines, setting goals, and embracing the beauty of a well-organised life. 

Consider this New Moon as an opportunity to infuse your menopausal journey with the stability that Capricorn provides.

Building A Solid Foundation in Menopause

Prioritising Sleep:

Capricorn invites us to prioritise sleep as a foundational element of well-being.

Establish a consistent sleep routine, creating a sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation. You can read more in this blog Solving Menopause Sleep Problems Naturally.

Nutrition and Exercise:

Nourish your body with the discipline it deserves. 

Craft a well-balanced diet (1. Eat enough, 2. The right amount of protein, fibre and healthy fat) and incorporate physical activity into your routine, aligning with Capricorn’s grounded nature.

Goal-Setting for Well-Being:

Set realistic and achievable goals that resonate with your unique menopausal journey. 

Whether it’s enhancing your fitness, adopting mindfulness practices, or cultivating a new hobby, let Capricorn’s ambition guide your path.


Have you lost your purpose in life?  Do you have an empty nest or feel directionless?

What is it that you have always wanted to do?  What would bring great joy into your life and make the world a better place at the same time?

Structure and Self-Care as a Form of Responsibility

Nurturing the Self:

Capricorn’s sense of responsibility extends to self-care. 

View self-care not as an indulgence but as a responsible and empowering choice. Prioritise activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Sign up to my email list for weekly inspiration 😉

Mindfulness Practices:

Incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. 

Whether through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or moments of quiet reflection, embrace Capricorn’s contemplative energy.

Staying Resilient:

Menopause presents challenges, and Capricorn teaches us resilience. 

Approach difficulties with a steady mindset, understanding that each challenge is an opportunity for growth and strength.

Practical Tips for Capricorn New Moon Structure and Self-Care Rituals

Create a Daily Ritual:

Establish a self-care ritual that aligns with the Capricorn New Moon energy. 

This could be a morning routine, an evening ritual, or a weekly practice that nurtures your well-being.

Journaling for Reflection:

Capricorn’s reflective nature thrives in journaling. Dedicate time to reflect on your menopausal journey, noting accomplishments, challenges, and aspirations.

This is a good practice to align with each moon cycle providing you with ongoing feedback allowing you to celebrate your progress or align your lifestyle.

Connect with Nature:

Embrace the grounding energy of Capricorn by spending time in nature. 

Connect with the earth’s soothing presence, whether it’s a walk in the park or simply sitting in your garden.

Could you start a small herb garden or is it time to create that vegetable patch or flower garden that you have always dreamed of?

Fostering Ambition in Menopause: Setting Goals

Clarify Your Aspirations:

Capricorn encourages us to clarify our aspirations. 

Take time to articulate your goals during menopause, whether they pertain to health, personal development, or relationships.

Break Down Larger Goals:

Divide larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. 

Capricorn’s pragmatic approach ensures that every step contributes to the realisation of your ambitions.

Building a Supportive Community: Capricorn’s Sense of Connection

Seeking Support:

Capricorn values connection. 

Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to share your menopausal journey. Building a supportive community adds a layer of strength to your path.  You are more than welcome to join my growing community of menopausal women wanting to create an empowered menopause naturally in the Menopause Nutrition Hub.

Fostering Relationships:

Nurture relationships with care and responsibility. 

Capricorn reminds us that connections are essential for well-being, offering a network of support during transformative times.


January can be full of New Year, New Me quotes and pressure to achieve the goals you think you should.

Perhaps your list of New Year’s Resolutions is the same as it has been year after year.

Menopause gives you an ideal opportunity to reassess your life and decide which direction you want the next 30+ years to go in.

Dream big!  Anything is possible, you just need to plan well and take the right action.

If you need help with this book a free Wild Well-being Call and discover unique empowerment strategies for your menopause journey.