Adventure and Exploration: Menopause as a New Horizon

Adventure and Exploration: Menopause as a New Horizon. Navigating menopause with the moon cycle.

Adventure and Exploration: Menopause as a New Horizon.

Welcome, beautiful souls, to the cosmic dance of the Sagittarius New Moon.

As the archer aims its arrow towards new horizons, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of an exhilarating journey—menopause as a new frontier of adventure and exploration.

Let’s embark on this celestial odyssey and discover the transformative power of the Sagittarius energy on our menopausal path.

Embracing the Sagittarius Connection

In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, the energy of Sagittarius resonates with adventure and exploration along with the pursuit of knowledge.

Within this celestial dance, we find parallels with the menopausal journey—a time of profound change, renewal, and self-discovery.

Aim for New Horizons:

Just as the archer aims for distant targets, menopause invites us to set our sights on new horizons within ourselves.

Embrace the emotional landscapes of this inner adventure, recognising that each emotion is a stepping stone towards personal growth.

Navigating the Emotional Expedition

Transformative Power of Emotions:

Menopause is not just a physical transition; it’s a profound emotional expedition.

Explore the depths of your feelings, allowing them to guide you towards self-discovery and resilience.

In the fertile ground of emotions, new facets of your strength and wisdom await revelation.

Discovering the Inner Explorer: Menopause as a Personal Expedition

Aligning with Personal Values:

Menopause is an invitation to rediscover yourself.

What values define your authentic self?

Sagittarius encourages us to live in alignment with our core values, making menopause a personal expedition into a life that resonates with authenticity and purpose.

Discover your core values and create your menopause vision statement with my free course, The Empowered Menopause Workshop.

Physical Expedition:

Acknowledge the physical changes as part of this expedition.

Embrace the journey of self-care and well-being, understanding that every step is a stride towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

Catalyst for Change: Menopause as the Adventurous Lifestyle

New Routines, New Adventures:

The Sagittarius New Moon whispers to us, urging a lifestyle that mirrors the archer’s spirit—adventurous, spontaneous, and open to change.

Menopause is your catalyst for adopting an adventurous lifestyle.

Seize this moment to redefine your daily routines, welcoming positive changes that support your overall well-being.

Nurturing Connections: New Horizons in Relationships

Open Communication and Understanding:

As we navigate menopause, let’s not forget the relationships that shape our lives.

Sagittarius teaches us the importance of open communication and understanding.

Share your journey with loved ones, allowing new horizons in your connections to unfold. Read my post ‘How to Navigate Menopause Together as a Family’ HERE.

Practical Tips for Aligning with the Sagittarius New Moon

Set Intentions:

Under the Sagittarius New Moon, set intentions for your menopausal journey.

  • What adventures do you wish to embark upon?
  • What emotional landscapes do you aim to explore?

Write them down, infusing your intentions with the cosmic energy of Sagittarius.

If you are looking for support and accountability to set intentions for 2024 and each moon cycle within in, come and join my Inner Circle Membership, learn more HERE.

Rituals and Practices:

Create rituals or practices that align with Sagittarius’ spirit.

This could be a daily affirmation, a mindful practice, or a symbolic gesture that signifies your commitment to adventure and exploration.

Embrace the New Horizon of Menopause

As we stand under the cosmic archer’s gaze, let’s embrace menopause as a new horizon—an adventure filled with self-discovery, emotional resilience, and the freedom to redefine ourselves.

The Sagittarius New Moon invites you to dance with the celestial energies and embark on this transformative journey with a spirit of curiosity and exploration.

Adventure and exploration for 2024

I am so excited to be offering my signature program, The Empowered Menopause Journey as a 10-week group program starting on 8th January 2024.

If you are ready to discover your unique pathway to an Empowered Menopause Journey by;

  • Reconnecting to your body, mind and soul.
  • Discovering formulas for uncovering the root cause of your symptoms so that you can reduce and remove them.
  • Learning how to create long-term health and well-being.
  • Ditching fad diets for good and designing your unique toolbox of strategies that you can come back to again and again as your life ebbs and flows.

Look no further!

Learn more and secure your place HERE for under £30 per week! (there are just 5 available for this beta group).

Alternatively book a complimentary, no-obligation menopause assessment call with me to see if this program is the right fit for you.