Navigating Menopause with the Moon Cycle – Balance and Harmony with Libra

Navigating Menopause with the Moon Cycle – Balance and Harmony with Libra.

Welcome to the second instalment of the New Moon series, where we explore the transformative power of lunar phases and their significance in your menopause journey. 

If you would like to learn more about the intention of using the moon cycle, read the first blog in the series; Navigating Menopause with the Moon Cycle – Reclaim Your Identity with Virgo

This cycle, we stand under the gentle embrace of the Libra New Moon, a celestial event associated with balance, harmony, and partnerships. 

Not only is it a new moon in Libra, but Saturday 14th October 2023 also gives us the annular solar eclipse, unfortunately, I won’t be able to see it from here in Hertfordshire UK, check in your area HERE.

In the realm of menopause, Libra’s energy offers profound lessons on regaining equilibrium and nurturing your connections. 

Join me as I delve into the art of balance and harmony and how to incorporate more it into your menopause journey.

Embracing the Libra New Moon

Libra, symbolised by the Scales, embodies the quest for balance and fairness. 

It encourages us to seek harmony within ourselves and our relationships. 

For women navigating the complexities of menopause, this lunar phase can be a guiding light, reminding us to find equilibrium in our ever-changing lives.

To use the moon cycle as a tool for your health and well-being start by reviewing the previous cycle, Virgo, which started on 14th September.

  • What went well?
  • What are you celebrating?
  • What were your intentions, did you accomplish these or did your intentions change?
  • What could have gone better?
  • How will you overcome any challenges this coming cycle?

A nice tool to use in your reflection is the Life Balance Wheel, download a copy HERE.  Each cycle you can focus on a different area or focus on an area you feel was neglected last cycle.

Once you have the answers to these questions, this is not a practice to beat yourself up with btw, just observe and make notes.  The next task is to set your intentions for the cycle ahead – 14th October – 12th November.

  • What are your big goals?
  • What actions can you take this cycle to work towards these goals
  • How are you going to take care of yourself?
  • Are there any new hobbies you would like to try?
  • What are you going to learn?

Balance: The Libra Way

In the whirlwind of menopause, where hormones can fluctuate and emotions may run high, the need for balance is undeniable. 

Libra’s influence prompts us to evaluate our daily routines, health practices, and emotional well-being.

Practical Steps for Balance:

  • Assess Your Routine: Take a closer look at your daily schedule. Are you over-committing? Are there areas of your life that require more attention? Create a balanced routine that nourishes your body, mind, and soul.
  • Nutrition Matters: Menopause often brings shifts in metabolism and dietary needs. Consult a nutrition expert to tailor your diet for optimal well-being.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Cultivate a daily practice of mindfulness or meditation. These techniques can help you stay centred and reduce stress.

Partnerships: Nurturing Connections

Libra is known for its focus on partnerships. It’s a reminder that during this transformative period, your relationships can be a source of strength. Open, honest communication is key to nurturing these bonds.

Practical Steps for Nurturing Partnerships:

  • Talk It Out: Initiate conversations with your loved ones about your menopause journey. Let them know your needs, challenges, and feelings. Together, you can find ways to support one another.
  • Quality Time: Spend quality time with those who matter most to you. Reconnecting with family and friends can bring immense joy and emotional support.
  • Self-Care Together: Encourage self-care within your partnerships. Engaging in self-care practices with your loved ones can create a deeper sense of connection.

Regaining Your Identity: A Rebirth

Menopause often comes with a sense of identity loss as roles change and priorities shift. The Libra New Moon represents the opportunity to rediscover your true self.

Practical Steps for Regaining Your Identity:

  • Passion Pursuit: Reflect on your passions and hobbies. What activities bring you joy? Whether it’s an old interest or a new endeavour, embrace it as a part of your identity.
  • Setting Intentions: Use the energy of the New Moon to set intentions for the future. This can be a powerful way to shape your path forward.
  • Self-Discovery: Journaling and self-reflection can help you connect with your inner self and gain a deeper understanding of your identity.

The Libra New Moon is your celestial ally, guiding you toward a harmonious and balanced life during menopause. 

Embrace it with open arms and an open heart, and let its energy help you create equilibrium and deep, meaningful connections in your life.

What Next?

In the next blog post in this series, I’ll provide actionable tips and guidance to harness the energy of the Scorpio New Moon and incorporate its transformative qualities into your menopause journey. 

Until then, remember that balance and harmony are within your reach, and you have the power to craft a menopause journey filled with grace and equilibrium.

To connect with Sue and learn more about her transformative menopause programs, visit her website or book a complimentary 30-minute Menopause Assessment. Your journey to rediscovery awaits.