Real Food for Menopause – 5

Real Food for Menopause - 5

Real Food for Menopause – 5

Summer brings an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables for us to enjoy.

Buying local and organic is food for the environment and your body.

The collective summer energy can give the sense of more time and you might feel like shopping around for your weekly food rather than dashing into the supermarket.

Look out for farmers’ markets or search for local farm shops near you and give them a try.

Here are the latest spotlight ingredients that I feature weekly in my Facebook group the Menopause Nutrition Hub, why not come and join us 😃

Scroll to the end of the post for the link to download the Summer Recipe Collection featuring all 12 summer ingredients.


Hands up if you want protection from disease and firmer skin!

It’s time to add pomegranates to your diet.

In Ayurvedic medicine, pomegranates are used as a blood tonic, as a digestive remedy, and to rid the body of parasites.

Part of the foundation of optimal health is lowering chronic inflammation in the body.  Pomegranates are not only a wonderful source of antioxidants, supporting the body to lower inflammation, but they are also high in plant-based estrogens (phytoestrogens).

Pomegranates are a SERM, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and a great multitasker.  They help reduce the type of estrogen certain cancers can feed on by blocking the estrogen receptors with their own estrogen which has been shown to improve menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and osteoporosis.

Buy the whole fruit or pots of the seeds, you can even buy the seeds frozen.  Try juicing the seeds or buy pomegranate juice (be careful to select a juice without artificial sweeteners or too many other ingredients such as grape juice).

Drink the juice or add the seeds to salads, stews, breakfasts, snacks, the list goes on.  Download the Spring Recipe Collection for the pomegranate recipe.


Facial hair, acne, PCOS?

Mint is probably the most easily identifiable of all herbs, if not by sight then definitely by smell.

As a child my garden was full of it and my parents used to be constantly trying to get rid of it, if only they had known its awesome health benefits!

Mint is high in antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds.  It is hailed for its ability to support hormone balance by lowering excess androgens (testosterone) which is especially helpful if you suffer from excess facial hair, hormonal acne or PCOS.

It belongs to a class of herbs known as nervines, which support the nervous system and helps us to relax but it also increases circulation, which helps to regulate our body temperature and also speeds healing. For this reason, mint can also be a special ally for women who experience hot flushes during menopause (excuse me while I go and make myself a cup!).

Not only does it support body temperature regulation but It is great for reducing indigestion and bloating. 

How do you add mint to your diet?

Does a Mojito count..?  Asking for a friend 😝

Seriously though, add it to salads, smoothies or even your water.


The most common cause of death in women is heart disease.

Ensuring you protect yourself from high blood pressure or hypertension can protect your body from the long-term risk of heart disease.

🍌Bananas are an excellent food to support this goal.

Rich in potassium and very low in sodium they help manage blood pressure by helping maintain water balance in the body and detoxify the body to protect you against heart attacks.

Speaking of long-term health, the potassium in bananas supports the body to maintain optimal calcium levels to protect bones from Osteoporosis.

🍌Additionally, bananas are very effective antacids that coat the inner lining of the stomach and suppress acid secretion. This protects the stomach from ulcers and acidity. 

Bananas are a great way of dealing with muscle cramps. With the high magnesium and potassium content, bananas are a great source of these minerals in your body. 

Bananas really are the perfect snack, they come in their own packaging, are portable, make smoothies creamy and make a great dessert topped with natural yoghurt and honey or custard!

How do you eat yours?🍌

Need some inspiration download the Spring recipe collection (available for the last time before next week’s Summer collection) and try the Banana Chia Crisps 😋


Cayenne pepper is a spice made from the dried fruit of Capsicum

It has been used medicinally for centuries.

As with all herbal remedies, there is not a great deal of research done, especially with menopausal women in mind as there is no money in it (did I just say that out loud?)

However, a small study revealed the benefit of cayenne for hot flushes, this may sound contradictory but it could be to do with other benefits this spice provides…

Researchers think that the beneficial compounds such as flavonoids, vitamin C and carotenoids found in capsaicin may help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, which could help protect against certain health conditions, including heart disease.

A chemical called substance P is found in Capsaicin.  Research suggests this may help alleviate pain by reducing the amount of pain messages sent to the brain.  It can be taken as a supplement or used topically in a cream.

With a spice like this, it is all about how you feel when you use it, if it provides benefit, fantastic!

Ready for a Challenge?

I am so excited to officially announce the launch of my NEW 5-Day Nutrition Challenge.

Put the Secrets Behind Nutrition for Menopause ebook into practice.

The Happy Hormones, Happy Menopause 5-day Nutrition Challenge empowers working women to make the right food choices to support their health and well-being goals during menopause.

This challenge is for you if you cannot take HRT or want to try a more natural approach and are ready to ditch diet culture and learn how to connect with and understand your body to achieve an empowered menopause journey.

Sign up today

The carefully crafted 5-Day meal plan and shopping list are ready to download.

I can’t wait to start this challenge, there will be many participation prizes up for grabs so join now and get your friends involved for further opportunities to win.

Follow the link to learn more and join.

5-day nutrition challenge