The New Moon Feast: Nutritional Practices to Support Menopause

new moon feast

The New Moon Feast: Nutritional Practices to Support Menopause

How I wish I knew then what I know now;

  • My cycle wasn’t just about my period.
  • Every cycle was a chance to rest and nurture myself.
  • What I ate had a direct effect on my hormones.
  • My cycle connected me to the natural world.

I didn’t know though, and if I did back then would I even have appreciated it?

Now that I am coming to the end of my menstruating years and in the full throws of menopause, I have learned more about my body than I ever knew.

I now understand how important it is to listen to your body, to be kind to it and to nourish it with food, rest, joy, pleasure and love.

If like me you feel you have missed an opportunity to connect with your body and your cycle I have some good news!

Using the moon cycle, whether you have your own cycle or not or whether it is just irregular, the 29.5-day cycle of the moon is a lovely way to be intentional in all areas of your life, especially about what, when and how you eat.

Join me over the next four weeks as I share how you can create optimal health and well-being during your menopause and beyond following a cyclical approach to life.

Moon Cycle Phases

Each moon phase can be related to the stages of a woman’s menstrual cycle and the seasons.

This is the basic connection;

  • New Moon – First day of bleeding – Winter
  • First Quarter Moon – Follicular phase – Spring
  • Full Moon – Ovulation – Summer
  • Last Quarter Moon – Luteal phase – Autumn

In ancient times it was believed that women bled on the new moon and ovulated during the full moon.

Today many women find that their cycle does not match that of the moon.

Whether it does or not following the practices that I am sharing with you will only increase your connection to your body and the natural world along with increasing your health and understanding of your body.

new moon feast

Reclaim Your Power

For too long (in my opinion) women have been trying to fit into a patriarchal world.  I am sure men feel this way too, but I am only going to speak of women here.

Birth control was sold to us as sexual freedom but did it actually add to the disconnect within our body?

The 80s brought us ‘Working Girl’ – love that film! Power suits and the belief we could have it all but in reality it gave us more to do.

I certainly fell into this trap.

Powering into the 90s I was working hard, playing hard and keeping the perfect home.

It was exhausting.

Women have a secret power that not many of them use. 

This power is our cycle.  It provides time to rest, time to plan, time for action and time for completion before we return to reflect and rest again.

A man’s energy rises and sets with the Sun so we shouldn’t try to keep up with the men but harness our own energy and tune into and reclaim our power.

The New Moon Phase

That time of the month, Aunt Flo, surfing the crimson wave, on the rag…

Can you think of any more terms?

If your period wasn’t just talked about in hushed voices it was probably talked about in derogatory terms.

The new moon signals the first day of your cycle if you no longer bleed, are using contraception or are irregular and is the winter phase of the cycle.

If you still have a regular cycle the first day of your period is when you would follow the nutrition advice for the new moon.

This is the season of the Crone, The Wise Woman.  Estrogen and progesterone levels have completely dropped and you may be feeling low.

You may hear the term ‘dark moon’ used for a day or so before the new moon to a day or so after.

Lean into this time of the cycle.  

It’s your inner winter.  

What do you do in winter?  Wrap up, find comfort and Hygge.  Take time out to rest and reflect on the past cycle.  Did you make any new moon wishes/set any new moon intentions during the last cycle?

  • What went well?
  • What didn’t go well?
  • What could you do to make sure you don’t repeat negative cycles?
  • What are your wishes/intentions for the cycle ahead?

This practice isn’t a tool to beat yourself up with.  It is about self-awareness.  Understanding patterns and being open to changing habits and celebrating the little things in life.

The New Moon Feast

If nothing else, cycling your nutrition over 4 weeks will provide a variety of nutrients which will;

  • Increase energy
  • Multiply friendly gut bacteria
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Switch up your usual routines

The goal of focusing on cycling your nutrition is to learn and understand the nutrients your body needs at each stage of your cycle so that you can support the function of your hormones and neurotransmitters for optimal health and well-being.

If you are still bleeding, the new moon feast focuses on foods which increase iron to support blood loss but iron is also essential if you are feeling fatigued by the collective winter energy.

Magnesium is also important, the previous weeks of the cycle have all been about generating estrogen and progesterone which can deplete magnesium levels.  Magnesium will also provide relief from bloating and constipation.

Focus on increasing magnesium and iron levels naturally with cacao, avocado, brown rice, chickpeas and dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach and chard.

Zinc is also essential for supporting the immune system and reducing inflammation.  Zinc can be found naturally in beef and seafood, seaweed, nuts and seeds.

Don’t forget your carbs!

Do you find yourself craving carbs during this phase of your cycle?

Neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are naturally low and your body will crave carbs to increase these levels.

Understanding this can help you make the best nutritional decisions for your body.

Choose complex carbs such as sweet potatoes and other root vegetables and cruciferous veggies along with oats, brown rice and buckwheat which will stabilise your mood and promote the healthy function of your thyroid and nervous system.

Other foods to include during this phase are:

  • Hormone-supportive fats such as butter, avocado, coconut, nuts and seeds
  • Fibre and antioxidants from berries
  • Anti-inflammatory foods such as ginger and turmeric

Start Today

Today (19th May 2023) we welcome the new moon in Gemini.

Take some time over the weekend to rest and reflect on how you would like to design your menopause journey.

Start thinking about how you can nourish rather than punish your body so that you can embrace your menopause and regain your zest for life.

Embrace your Wild Spirit and Discover Moon Cycles, Body Astrology and more to help you reconnect with your true self through menopause and beyond.

Join the Wild Well-Being Inner Membership and discover support and accountability from bi-weekly online sessions supported by a vast on-demand library of resources, recipes, meal plans and a monthly book club 💚

Sprinkle a little magic into your unique menopause experience.

If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.

Make sure you are subscribed so you don’t miss next week’s Quarter Moon Feast.

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