Healthy Habits for Life – Journalling

Picture of a journal, pen and coffee. Healthy Habits for Life - Journalling

Healthy Habits for Life – Journalling.

In the second part of creating healthy habits for life I look at Journalling.

People have written in diaries and journal for centuries but rather than recording events from an exterior point of view, modern journalling has many benefits for our health and wellness.

It is only in the last 60+ years or so that journalling has been used as a tool for personal growth and emotional wellness.

There is scientific evidence that the relief that comes from writing things down is more than just psychological because it also increases Immune system function.

The release experienced has a direct impact on the body’s capacity to withstand stress and fight infection and disease.

What is Journalling

Journalling is the purposeful and intentional use of reflection in writing.

It can be used as a tool to improve mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Benefits of journalling

Journalling can provide clarity to issues, concerns, conflicts and uncertainty.

The practice can also help us to create more awareness in our lives by identifying patterns, habits, and regular themes that come up for us on a regular basis.

Do you struggle with symptoms such as:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of focus or clarity

By creating time each day to put pen to paper you can help control your emotions and improve your mental health which then has an holistic effect on your overall health.

Gaining control of your thoughts can increase self-confidence by changing the way you think.

Did you know, journalling can increase creativity? By first clearing out all the mental junk swirling around in your consciousness you have more room for being creative.

Picture of a note pad for journalling with. Healthy Habits for Life - Journalling

How to include journalling in your routine

You could include journalling as part of your morning or evening routine.

It can be a way to start your day and organise your thoughts to ensure you do what you need to rather than getting bogged down with what comes along.

Journalling can be a lovely way to end your day, celebrate what you have achieved no matter how small, release any negative thoughts before you go to sleep,

What if you have nothing to write?

Being confronted with a blank page can be the biggest cause of writers block! Remember, what you write doesn’t have to be perfect, or in your neatest handwriting.

Let the words come, they are for your eyes only.

Since I was a kid I have written sporadically in journals/diaries and generally, it was when I wasn’t feeling happy, it helped me sort through my feelings like a constantly available friend.

Today it is still something I do sporadically, I have loads of pretty note books half filled with my ramblings, sometimes it is funny to read back. I think ‘oh yeah, remember when I was worrying about that’ or ‘Yes, I still have that issue!’

Researching this post has made me want to include journalling on a regular basis. How about you? Here are some prompts to get you started.

Journalling Prompts

Try answering any or all of these questions, you may find other questions crop up, make a note of these for another time.

Remember to approach this activity with kindness in a non judgemental way.

  • What is on my mind right now?
  • What happened today/yesterday that has been weighing on my mind?
  • What feels like a struggle at the moment?
  • What do I need to accomplish today/tomorrow? Why?
  • How can I get started?
  • What thoughts have I been repeating in my head lately? Are they true?
  • How can I be kinder to myself?
  • What do I need to forgive myself for?
  • What brings me joy?
  • How can I make time for this?
  • What am I grateful for today? Why?

If you give this a go I hope it proves useful, let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your week and have a lovely weekend.

With love

Sue x


Do you struggle with MOTIVATION for new habits and creating a healthy lifestyle? Do you need someone to encourage and inspire you or give you some accountability?

If this is you, arrange a FREE 30-minute consultation with me to find out how I can help you create a healthy lifestyle to suit YOU!