Mindset Shifts to add Movement to your day

Mindset shifts to add movement to your day. with hot air balloons

Mindset Shifts to add Movement to your day.

If you are one of those people who hates or doesn’t find time for EXERCISE, or as I prefer, MOVEMENT then read on to learn the benefits and Mindset Shifts you can make to include more in your life.

What are the benefits

We all know that exercise and movement are good for our HEALTH but sometimes that is not enough to get us moving.

This is where making it personal can help. How will being more active IMPROVE your lifestyle? What benefits will you personally gain not just now but for decades to come.

As well as the physical benefits for improved bodily functions such as:

  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Prevention of chronic illnesses
  • Strengthened bones
  • Improved digestion and lymph function

Emotionally, becoming more active can:

  • Increase Motivation and Energy
  • Give you a more positive outlook
  • Boost your confidence and self-image
  • Decrease Anxiety and Depression

Life is far more enjoyable when you feel like this.

Quote, move for your future self. Mindset Shifts to add Movement to your day

Set Goals to Motivate you

What are your Health & Wellness Goals?

Now, to motivate you into ACTION you are going to need to dig deep, attach emotion to your goals and make them SMART:


Losing weight or running a marathon may be a goal but it isn’t SMART. How are you going to achieve this? Over how much time? Is that realistic? What are you going to do consistently to achieve this? How will it make you feel when you achieve this goal?

You may want to build strength. As I get older I want to build more lean muscle in my body to keep my metabolism functioning optimally. You may have just started running and want to increase your distance.

Whatever your goal ask yourself WHY you want to achieve it and how it will make you FEEL when you do.

Don’t do too much

Aim for incremental improvement.

Starting a new exercise regime then not being able to move a couple of days later will not encourage you to repeat the experience.

A few years ago I completed the Couch to 5K program. I was not (and am still not!) a runner but the way the program was set up made me feel positive and as though I was making progress. It did this by not pushing too hard in the first few weeks, it left me WANTING and looking forward to going out on my next session.

Be flexible, if you have planned certain activities for the week and it doesn’t go to plan, make a plan B or C, do something else but do something.

View this time as your time, self-care time.

Try using a mantra to change your mindset around movement.

List the things you are grateful for such as lungs to breathe, glands to sweat and detox your body.

It’s all about changing your mindset.

Do something you enjoy

Or WITH someone whose company you enjoy.

Exercise looks different for everyone, which is why I prefer the term movement.

Meeting a friend for a class (even a virtual one) or a walk is a way to stay connected. Find creative ways to add movement to your day, for instance, parking your car further away from where you are going, taking the stairs a few times at home rather than carrying everything up at once, using a bicycle locally.

Try and find ways that fit into your lifestyle not make life harder. You can read more in my previous post, Get Moving, principle 9 of Intuitive Eating.

Did you love to play sport at school? Are there any local teams you can join which will increase your social life too? Do you love to dance, what classes are available locally? You don’t have to go to a gym – unless you like that 😉

I love to swim, and can’t wait to be able to do this again. I also love to walk with a friend or listen to an audiobook or podcast. I have an exercise bike I use at home and catch up with my favourite shows or training videos.

Woman and child doing stretching exercises together. Mindset Shifts to add Movement to your day

How does Movement make you feel?

You may have read this far and still be thinking, nope, you haven’t motivated me yet Sue.

If this is you I would challenge you to do some form of constructive movement every day for a month and monitor how it makes you feel.

Start with a 10-minute walk, increase this as your schedule allows, when you have finished, spend 5 -10 minutes stretching or performing some strengthening exercises.

Make a note of how you feel each day, any improvement will help spur you on and once you make it a habit you won’t even have to think about it!

I like to do squats while I am brushing my teeth or the plank while I am waiting for the kettle to boil. I need to be more consistent with these activities but when I have done them I feel pleased with myself for taking action for my future self.

Experiment with different activities, what brings you joy, what do you look forward to doing?

Ditch the Excuses

If you WANT to feel the benefits of regular movement you are going to need to ditch the excuses.

If you continue to view movement as optional or something that gets in the way you will fail to make this a habit and feel the benefits.

The truth is we humans do not function optimally without being active.

Think of it this way, if you did one workout a week that will be 52 workouts in a year!! Just 30 minutes of movement a day equates to 15 hours per month, 180 hours in a year!

We all have the same 24 hours a day, can you spare just half of one of these?

Your future self will thank you!


If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.