5 Hobbies for a Happy, Healthy Life

Lady planting flowers for a hobby. 5 Hobbies for a Happy, Healthy Life
5 Hobbies for a happy, healthy life!

5 Hobbies for a Happy, Healthy Life.

Do you consider yourself a person who has hobbies? Is that a bit of an old fashioned statement? Something that we list at the bottom of our CV along with ‘socialising with friends.

For most of us, hobbies are an essential part of our personal lives even if we don’t realise it or acknowledge that the activities we enjoy are hobbies.

Hobbies are important for our physical and mental wellbeing.

Are you looking for a Hobby?

There are many hobbies out there to suit all tastes and interests so if you are looking for something new to do in your spare time start searching and see what takes your fancy.

During my research, I have come across too many hobbies to mention individually but did notice a theme of how they are broken down into categories and choosing something from each can create a happy fulfilled lifestyle.

Hobbies to keep you creative

Whether we consider ourselves naturally creative we all have a creative side.

Being creative is a way to express ourselves.

A creative hobby could include:

  • Writing (blogging/creative writing)
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Photography
  • Crafting
  • Dancing

Hobbies to keep you socially connected

I think the past year has taught even the most introvert of us that we need and sometimes crave social connection and a virtual connection sometimes just isn’t good enough!

Would you like to connect socially with others and make new friends? Why not try:

  • Book Clubs
  • Team sports
  • Crafting clubs
  • Travelling (when we are able to again…)
  • Community gardens/Allotments

If you can’t find any of these in your area, consider creating your own, you only need one other person to join you and your group could grow from there.

Hobbies to keep you in shape

When I teach my 4 Pillars of Health and Wellness I encourage my clients to ‘move’ rather than ‘exercise’ as even the word can put people off!

How about a hobby which also encourages your body to move, you can get fit for fun 🙂

My ideas for you are:

  • Swimming (I can not wait to swim again!!)
  • Gardening – bending, lifting, reaching all add to your fitness
  • Walking – walking clubs could add a social element too
  • Running – enter competitions or sign up for new distances to motivate you
  • Cleaning – why not? I actually like cleaning, I find it therapeutic and I like the results. Put a little extra oomph into it and you get a workout too!!

Hobbies to make you money

Do what you love, use you hobby for work. 5 Hobbies for a Happy, Healthy Life

While you have to be careful that you don’t end up hating what you used to love, what about making a little pocket money from what you enjoy and what you are good at?

Many people have blocks around money and charging for something that they have created “easily”, as they see it with their eyes.

Money is energy though, it wants to be used and spent, it wants to bring joy and grow. Just remember if people want to give you money for what you have created they want to show how they value you and what you are selling.

So, do you have a talent you can make money with?:

  • Baking
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Gardening

What about Network Marketing? People can have a negative reaction to Network Marketing or MLM ( Multi-level Marketing) but the reputable companies who offer these opportunities are an ideal way to start a business of your own with low investment and little risk.

There are a variety of different industries offering these opportunities such as:

  • Children’s books
  • Greeting cards
  • Beauty
  • Health & Wellness
  • Travel

This is a source of income I thoroughly recommend you looking into.

I am a distributor for Forever Living Products to support my family/friends/clients health and wellness needs, and Tropic Skincare to support beauty and skincare needs.

The products I recommend I also use and make a percentage from each sale to support my business, please feel free to ask me for more information if you want to look into this option further.

In conclusion

What activities do you already include in your life? What would you like to try?

Where do you think you could enhance you life and bring more joy and fulfilment. I hope some of these ideas inspire you.

As lockdown eases across the UK the world will open up and we will be free to engage in many more activities than we have in recent months.


How are you feeling? Are you looking to create a better relationship with food? Have you lost your motivation to create healthy habits and live a fulfilled life?

Make a date with me for a friendly non-judgemental virtual chat and let see if I can support you 🙂