2021 Roundup.
As 2021 drawers to a close and our thoughts turn to spending time with family and friends over the next couple of weeks I just wanted to share a few of my more popular blog posts from this year.
I want to invite you to think about your year and if you get some quiet time over the festive period ask yourself;
- What went well this year?
- When you had the most fun, what were you doing?
- How can you do more of this in 2022?
At the same time we need to review what didn’t work for us, ask yourself;
- What caused me stress this year?
- Are there any boudaries I can put in place to reduce this stress?
- Do I need support and if so where can I get this?
My biggest question for the end of this year is:
Who do I need to become to achieve what I want to achieve in 2022?
If you would like to ask yourself this question you then need to think about the habits you need to create which will help you become the person you want to be.
Top 3 blog posts of 2021
Following are my top 3 blog posts from 2021 exploring areas of women’s health and wellness that I believe are the most important and can have the biggest impact in the success of our goals.
Intuitive eating
My business is constantly evolving as I learn more about the body and how our lifestyles impact our health and wellness.
At the end of 2020, I completed my training in Intuitive Eating and enjoyed sharing what I had learned through a series of blog posts, this post, 5 Habits for Intuitive Eating is a great way to start your Intuitive Eating journey if you are interested in learning more.
I started writing and beta testing my course, Intuitive Eating for Life, in 2021. What I have learned is that it’s not until you start committing your ideas to paper that you realise there is more to learn and after lots more work this year I am excited to finish writing this course and start testing it in 2022.
Join the waitlist HERE and be the first to know when I start testing and have the chance of securing a place in the beta testing phase.

Hormone Balance
If only it was as easy to maintain a healthy weight as “energy in v’s energy out!”
Maybe in our 20’s and early 30’s we could get away with this but as we approach 40 our hormones have much more to say about it.
What is the answer?
How can we get rid of this extra weight that seems to stick to our middle no matter how much exercise we do and how little we eat?
You may find that a new restrictive eating plan, ‘diet’, works for a while but in truth, all that is happening is you are losing water from your cells, your body is becoming stressed and no willpower in the world is going to help you stick to this plan forevermore.
Learning to listen to your body, what it needs and when it needs it, is what I believe is the way forward.
To learn more read this post, Balancing your hormones naturally.

Stress Less
Stress is the biggest enemy of health.
It is stress that leads to dis-ease in the body.
Stress comes in many forms:
- Environmental
- Situational
- Emotional
- Physical
Some stress is good for us, too little leads to a lack of motivation and boredom. Other types such as environmental, for instance living near pollution, can be difficult to avoid.
Emotional stress that comes with feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or by issues we feel too small to do anything about (I’m thinking along the lines of a worldwide pandemic) can be eased by looking inside ourselves rather than out.
In this post, Banish overwhelm with routines, I look at how creating routines for the mundane help us feel accomplished and get done what needs to be done, easing daily stress.

Goals for 2022
What are your goals for 2022?
Dream big. Close your eyes and imagine its the end of 2022 and you have achieved what you want to accomplish for the year.
How do you feel?
What did you have to do to achieve this? Did you need any support? Was it mine? 🙂
I hope so, my mission is to support as many women as possible reduce stress in their life, listens to their body and balance their hormones to achieve their health and wellness goals.
Join my email list or become a member of my free Facebook group, I look forward to supporting you.
To create your Personal Health Blueprint session for £35, book HERE.
My gift to you
Thank you for being part of my community. I love sharing what I learn about creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
The Christmas Survival Guide is an ebook I have written to support you over the Christmas period. It contains tips for emotional and physical health along with recipes to have on hand when you are caught in that sweet/savory spiral of the Christmas Limbo.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year xx