Got no Willpower?
How many times a year have you set Health Goals?
- New Year
- Before an upcoming holiday
- For a big event
- Every Monday?!
How many times have you achieved these goals – and maintained them?
Do you kick yourself if you don’t achieve them or revert back to old ways. Maybe you beat yourself up with negative self-talk and tell yourself you have no willpower, you can’t have, otherwise, you would have achieved and maintained what you set out to do.
Willpower isn’t something you HAVE or DON”T HAVE, it ebbs and flows and you can make it work for you by creating changes to your Habits and Routines to suit your energy ebb and flow.
Willpower is like a muscle, the more it is worked the quicker it will get fatigued.
Willpower is fatigued by decision-making.
How many times have you started your day really well?
- Got up on time
- Found an outfit to wear, that fit and you felt good in
- Had time to make and eat a balanced breakfast
- Prepared a balanced lunch for you and the kids/partner
- Left for work/school run/gym on time
- Remembered everything you needed for the day
It is the many decisions you have had to make to achieve all this before it’s even 9am that can have a massive impact on your willpower
A study of 225 million hours of working time found that the average person switches between tasks more than 300 times per day, that’s a working day, not including every other decision we need to make to keep our world turning!
Each of these switches is a decision.

Each decision eats into your willpower bit by bit and eventually, you hit DECISION FATIGUE.
Decision Fatigue is the deterioration of our ability to make good decisions after a session of decision-making.
You can’t make a decision without paying a mental price. The mental price is feeling:
- Tired
- Burnt out
- Not caring anymore
- Giving up
Decision fatigue kills focus, motivation and WILLPOWER!
So what can you do?
- Simplify some of your most basic daily decisions
- Schedule the most important tasks at the beginning of the day.
- Make big decisions when your motivation and willpower are high and then create habits and routines to keep on track
- Reset your mental space when needed
What are some of the decisions you have to make day after day that impact your health goals?
One of the biggest for me is MEAL PLANNING.
I know that my family and I eat healthier, more balanced meals when I have planned and shopped for the groceries in advance.
I feel harassed and under pressure when I am asked “what’s for dinner” and I don’t know!
If I KNOW what we are going to have for dinner, I can plan what to eat at other meals during the day to ensure I am getting a good balance of nutritious foods.
I can also:
- prep in advance to save time
- delegate tasks to other household members
- save money by using what I have in the kitchen and NOT submitting to the call for a takeaway!
Book A Free Call
If you would like to chat with me about your unique menopause transition, book a Wild Well-Being call and come away inspired and motivated to begin your journey to optimal health.